Please Note: Installing FLTK is not necessary on the computers in the Graphics Lab. It has already been done.

Instruction to install Fltk on your machines

Express Installation


You are not supposed to do anything with it. Just make sure that you can access /cse/courses/cse457/local/. The given Makefile has set its path to that directory. You should be able to just type 'make' to compile the skeleton code. However, since I only tested it on few machines, it may not be the case on your desktop. Please let me know such that I can fix it.


I will suggest you unzip the FLTK source to a subdirectory named fltk-1.0.10 under some directory, say cse591. Now put the impressionist skeleton code in another subdirectory under the same directory (cse591). It will make things easier. Then, you should be able to make the skeleton code by opening the impressionist.dsw.

Expert Installation


1. Install Mesa
As the first step, you must install MesaGL. You can get the source of MesaGL from here. To install it,
> gunzip MesaLib-3_0_tar.gz
> tar -xvf MesaLib-3_0_tar
> cd Mesa-3.0
> make linux-386
Serveral minutes later, you will have libMesaGL.a and LibMesaGLU.a in Mesa-3.0/lib and a directory called GL in Mesa-3.0/include. I usually prefer to copy all these files into ~/local/lib and ~/local/include such that I can access all the libraries without remembering tons of paths.

2. Install Fltk
Now, we try to make fltk. You can get the source from here.
> gunzip fltk-1.0.10-source.tar.gz
> tar -xvf fltk-1.0.10-source.tar
> ./configure 
> make

Create a local directory in you home dir
Open makeinclude file and change the prefix variable to the your local

> make install
> cp fltk-1.0.10/fluid/fluid ~/local/bin
> cp fltk-1.0.10/
That's it. You will have
'fluid' in ~/local/bin,
two directories, FL and Fl, in include
and libfltk.a in lib.

Now everyting is in ~/local, you need to change the value of the variable, $(LOCAL), in Makefile to ~/lcoal. NOTE: If you are having trouble still to compile, I provide you with the zipped libraries (FLTK and MesaGL here). Just try to unzip this to your local directory.


Grab the source from here. Use MSVC 6.0 to build it. There are tons of configurations within the project. I usually pick up demo and fltk.