Trace Artifacts

Please rate these artifacts submitted for the Trace project (10=highest, 1=lowest). The highest-rated artifacts will be awarded some extra credit (to be determined). You must enter your UW student number at the bottom of the form, and only votes from CSE 591 students and staff will be counted. If you vote more than once, only your last set of votes will be counted.

William Cook

Jason Costa

Michael Warning

Nathan Nesbit

Yazheng Cheng

Jonathan Wray

Keith Grochow

Yu Huang

Rajesh Hegde

Harish Kulkarni

Keith Curtis

Nathan Dwyer

Keith Folsom

Edward Goldstick

Diane Moore

Hand Kieserman

Gregory Taleck

Justin Morgan

Niniane Wang

Daniel Parshall

Sabra Wieditz

Timothy Williams

Roger Wolff

Zhenbin Xu

Michael Yasayko

Yinhai Wang

Samuel Amin

Brian Cross

Daniel Howe

Eric Fisk

Mary Ann Leung

Enter your UW student number: