Quiz Study Guide Corrections
- Correction to solution to problem 1a:
MFR = T(1,0) * R(theta) * T(0,-3/2)
i.e., the leftmost translation needs to be changed. Likewise in problem 1b.
[One of the previous incarnations of this problem actually carried a scale transformation down the hierarchy. To clean it up, we moved the scale into the definition of the object. Unfortunately, a scale-dependent answer was still left in the solution. My apologies for not detecting this earlier.]
- Clarification in problem 3:
The viewer is assumed to be looking down the +z axis for this problem, so larger z is further away. To think of this problem in terms of the lecture notes, where the viewer is looking down the -z axis, you need to reverse the comparisons (swap "<" and ">").
- Correction to solution to problem 4i:
The storage is in the worst case N^2 not 2^N-1.
Comments to Steve Seitz Last modified: Wednesday, 08-Nov-2000 02:29:57 PST