CSE P 551 Winter 2017
Lecture Topics

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January 5 Kernels and I/O
Ritchie and Thompson, The UNIX Timesharing System, Bell System Technical Journal, 1978
xv6, Chapters 0 and 3
OSPP, Chapter 2.3-2.5
Tom Slides
Antoine Slides
January 12 Addressing and Memory Management
xv6, Chapters 1 and 2
OSPP, 8.1-8.3, 9.6
Rashid et al., Machine Independent Virtual Memory, ASPLOS 1987
Tom Slides
Antoine Slides
January 19 Synchronization: Design patterns for concurrent programs
OSPP, Chapters 4.6, 5 (especially 5.4+)
xv6, Chapters 4, 5
Tom Slides
January 26 Parallelism: Cache coherence, scheduler activations, RCU, and MCS
OSPP, Chapters 4.7-4.8, 6.1, 6.3-6.4
Clements et al., Scalable Memory Management using RCU, ASPLOS 2012
Baumann et al., The Multikernel: A New OS Architecture for Scalable Multicore Systems, SOSP 2009
Tom Slides
Clements et al., The Scalable Commutivity Rule: Designing Scalable Software for Multicore Processors, ACM TOCS 2015
Anderson et al., Scheduler Activations: Effective Kernel Support for the User-Level Management of Parallelism, ACM TOCS 1992
February 2 Virtual Machines and Containers
OSPP, Chapters 2.10, 10.2
Redhat, KVM: Kernel-Based Virtual Machine
Waldspurger, Memory Resource Management in VMWare, OSDI 2002
Tom Slides
VMWare, Virtualization Overview
Adams and Agesen, A Comparison of Software and Hardware Techniques for x86 Virtualization, ASPLOS 2006
Dunlap et al., ReVirt: Enabling Intrusion Analysis Through Virtual Machine Logging and Replay, OSDI 2002
February 9 Scheduling, Queueing, and Control Theory
Ghodsi et al., Dominant Resource Fairness: Fair Allocation of Multiple Resource Types, NSDI 2011
Dean and Barroso, The Tail at Scale, CACM 2013
OSPP, Chapter 7.3
Tom Slides
February 16 Data Center Hardware
Barroso et al., Data Center as a Computer, Chapter 3
OSPP, Chapter 12
Topics: Networking, kernel bypass
NVDIMM, Flash, Flash hybrids, FTL
Shingle and HAMR disks
Tom Slides
Singh et al., Jupiter Rising: A Decade of Clos Topologies, SIGCOMM 2015
February 23 Storage part 1: Journaling, WAFL, LFS, Soft Updates
OSPP, Chapter 13, 14
Rosenblum and Ousterhout, The Design and Implementation of a Log Structured File System, ACM TOCS 1992
Kwon, Turn Your Storage Stack Into a File System
xv6, chapter 6
Nightingale et al., Rethink the Sync, OSDI 2006
Frost et al., Generalized File System Dependencies, SOSP 2007
March 2 Storage part 2
Pillai et al., All File Systems are Not Created Equal, OSDI 2014
Tang et al., The Evolution of Advanced Caching in the Facebook CDN (blog post)
Tang et al., RIPQ: Advanced Photo Caching on Flash for Facebook (paper)
Sigurbjarnarson et al., Push Button Verification of File Systems via Crash Refinement, OSDI 2016
March 9 High Performance I/O
Mogul and Ramakrishnan, Eliminating Receive Livelock in an Interrupt-Driven Kernel, ACM TOCS 1997
Belay et al., IX: A Protected Data Plane Operating System, OSDI 2014
Kaufmann et al., High Performance Packet Processing with FlexNIC, ASPLOS 2016
Volos et al., Aerie: File System Interfaces to Storage Class Memory, Eurosys 2014
Dulloor et al., System Software for Persistent Memory, Eurosys 2014