Review of Disco - Running commodity OSs on Multi-processors (By Bugnion et al)

From: Prasanna Kumar Jayapal (
Date: Mon Mar 01 2004 - 16:57:41 PST

  • Next message: Tarik Nesh-Nash: ""Disco: Running Commodity Operating Systems on Scalable Multiprocessors" Review"

    This paper (Disco: Running Commodity OSs on Scalable Multiprocessors)
    talks about problems faced in developing system software for shared
    memory multi-processors and comes up with the solution of adding a level
    of indirection ("Virtual Machine Monitors") between the OS and the

    The authors resurrect the concept of virtual machine monitors in this
    paper. The VMM provides a thin layer of software that supports hardware
    virtualization and management of hardware resources. In the case of
    Disco the goal is to exploit a multiprocessor architecture and to hide
    its specific quirks (NUMA). The VMM allows multiple operating systems to
    run in their own virtual machines with their own virtualized view of
    hardware resources. The basic assumption is that a VMM is a relatively
    small piece of software that can be written in a relatively bug-free

    Virtualization is achieved primarily through the interception of
    privileged instructions issued by a VM OS (used also to provide I/O
    virtualization) and intelligent TLB remapping. To achieve good
    performance, direct execution for most operations are done.

    Disco reduces the overhead in running VMs and enhances the data sharing
    between VMs through shared buffer caches and copy-on-write disks. Also
    the 2nd software-level TLB that translates virtual to machine pages to
    reduce TLB misses, page migration and replication to deal with ccNUMA,
    non-uniform access times, using standard NFS and TCP/IP to let VM's
    communicate helps in reducing the overheads.

    Minimal modifications to the OS Hal demonstrate improved performance
    (reduce emulation), and they also provide a mechanism for the VM OS to
    communicate with the VMM enabling a VM OS to indicate what pages are to
    be freed etc. Disco also tries to provide UMA like behavior on top of a
    NUMA architecture.

    The experimental results show that overhead is indeed low when using
    Disco, so the system achieves its goals. What is interesting in this
    paper, is the fact that Disco is a compromise between an OS-intensive
    and OS-light approach. In other words, Disco balances the trade-off
    between development cost and perfect resource management of the
    underlying multiprocessor system.

    Overall, I thought this was an interesting paper and describes the
    concepts and the design very nicely. One thing that I was a little
    curious was the hardware failure scenarios and I didn't see the paper
    addressing this issue.

  • Next message: Tarik Nesh-Nash: ""Disco: Running Commodity Operating Systems on Scalable Multiprocessors" Review"

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