Disco review

From: David Coleman (dcoleman_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Mon Mar 01 2004 - 16:13:04 PST

  • Next message: Nathan Dire: "Disco Review"

    Disco is an interesting system (OK, they’ve all been pretty interesting)
    that implements a Virtual Machine Monitor on the FLASH NUMA
    shared-memory multiprocessor computer system developed at Stanford.

    The first thing that surprised me about Disco was that it used direct
    execution on the real CPU. For some reason, I had always assumed an
    interpreted model, but that would obviously be too slow. This is a
    significant speed improvement but required minor modifications of the
    code running in the VM in some cases. That is a requirement that
    prevents running commodity OSes – a serious penalty for a system such as

    Because of the NUMA architecture, Disco had some additional problems to
    solve that other VMMs running on single or multiprocessor systems with
    shared memory would not have to face. It hid the NUMA-ness of the
    architecture and presented the machine as a standard shared-memory
    system. The ability for the hardware to detect hot pages is very useful
    and a great idea. I’m not sure if other hardware platforms support this
    – if not they probably should in these types of environments.

    Probably the thing that surprised me the most about Disco was the
    concept of sharing between virtual machines. I want very thick walls
    between my VMs. For me, the whole point of running a VMM is to allow
    multiple OSes to coexist without knowledge of the other and act
    accordingly without any possibility of interacting with the others.

    There were several changes made to IRIX to allow it run and run more
    efficiently on this system. The HAL was patched for efficiency, the mbuf
    management code was modified for efficiency, and the bcopy routine was
    modified for efficiency. To really be useful, OSes must be able to run
    out of the box. They obviously solved this problem in VMWare.

    I was disappointed in the experimental results section simply because it
    was run on a simulator instead of the actual hardware. When you are
    dealing with the layers and complexity of this type of system, real
    results are pretty important. Multiple VMs running on top of a VMM
    running on top of a simulator running on another machine is just too
    virtual for me.

  • Next message: Nathan Dire: "Disco Review"

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