Disco: Running Commodity Operating Systems on Scalable Multiprocessors.

From: Chuck Reeves (creeves_at_windows.microsoft.com)
Date: Mon Mar 01 2004 - 08:15:02 PST

  • Next message: Sellakumaran Kanagarathnam: "Review: Disco: Running Commodity Operating Systems on Scalable Multiprocessors."

    The paper, "Disco: Running Commodity Operating Systems on Scalable
    Multiprocessors", was written in 1997, by a number of researchers at
    Stanford University. It describes the design and testing of a virtual
    machine monitor called Disco. The system was designed to support the
    efficient execution of commodity operating systems on multiprocessor
    systems. It is designed to provide a bridge to enable larger commondity
    operating systems to run effectively on newer or less main-stream
    (NUMA,...) multiprocessor systems.

    Disco is described as an additional layer of software running between
    the hardware and the operating system. It virtualizes all resources on
    the machine including memory, CPU and device I/O. Each executing
    instance of the operating system is provided it's own virtual
    environment (CPU, memory and devices) against which to execute.

    Processor Interface: Emulates all instructions of the supported MIPS
    processor. Exposes interrupt control and privileged registers as simple
    load and stored instructions on special addresses.

    Physical Memory: Full abstraction of memory, starting at address zero.
    Also, support page migration and replication to improve locality of
    memory access in NUMA environments.

    I/O Devices: Intercepts all communication to and from I/O devices using
    special device drivers to translate and emulate the operation. DMA
    support included. Different virtual disks models can be used to support
    sharing and persistence. Network interfaces include Ethernet and FDDI.
    Has a special network interface that enables the efficient transfer of
    large amounts of data between VMs on the same machine. Only read-only
    pages are shared between machines.

    The measurements do provide "some" indication that a degree of
    scalability can be acheived by running multiple VMs on the same machine.
    I thought their work in this area was bit weak. The tests were run on
    simulators, they were short in duration and required a number of
    modifications to the tested operating system. Additionally, their
    scaleablity numbers were not that impressive.

    I thought the idea of non-persistent disks

    Unlike the Denali model, Disco does provide some facilities for
    integration between Virtual Machines including:

    Chuck Reeves, creeves_at_microsoft.com
    Microsoft | Windows | Directory Services

  • Next message: Sellakumaran Kanagarathnam: "Review: Disco: Running Commodity Operating Systems on Scalable Multiprocessors."

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