Review on Disco

From: Honghai Liu (
Date: Sat Feb 28 2004 - 00:39:33 PST

  • Next message: "Jim Shearers review of Disco: Running Commodity Operating Systems on Scaleable Multiprocessors."

    Reviewer: Honghai Liu


    The paper presents Disco, a virtual machine system, which can support variety
    of different OS and shows an alternative way of efficiently supporting
    multiprocessors system as opposed to tediously rebuilding existing operating
    system for them.

    There is a new notion of address translation between physical and machine
    address. Software-reloaded TLB was to facilitate the translation. Disco
    keeps a VM pmap data structure that contains one entry for each physical
    page of a virtual page to get corrected TLB entry. Even different nodes
    could have point to the same physical page, however, they would be finally
     mapped to the local machine pages by the translation. The policy of the
    MUMA memory management of Disco is that page are read-shared are
    replicated and write-shared are not migrated or moved around.

    Because of the shared underlying layer, different nodes can easily shared
    disk. In fact, Disco intercepts every disk request that DMAs data into
    memory, so sharing disk is just sharing memory. Copy-on-write is heavily
     used to minimize the cost of copying operation.

    It seems there are few difference between sharing disk and memory. In fact,
     same techniques can be applied for sending data over the network interface
     on the same VM across nodes. Data sending and receiving is handled at
    memory sharing level. The implementation is to use a global disk cache.

    Virtual Machines were not a new idea and had been experimented as
    early as 1970's. However, due to overheads, resource management
    and communication & sharing limitations, it was not so successful.
    With the development of modern technology such as those in distributed
     environment, Disco redefines many areas on VM and justifies itself by
     its competitive scalability, reliability and simplicity.

  • Next message: "Jim Shearers review of Disco: Running Commodity Operating Systems on Scaleable Multiprocessors."

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