Paper review: Opal & sharing single adress-space

From: Cem Paya 98 (Cem.Paya.98_at_Alum.Dartmouth.ORG)
Date: Wed Jan 14 2004 - 16:57:38 PST

  • Next message: Manish Mittal: "Sharing and Protection in a Single Address Space Operating System."


    Paper review

    Sharing and Protection in a Single Address Space Operating

    Jeffrey Chase, Henry Levy, Michael Feeley, and Edward

    CSE 551P, Cem Paya


    This paper proesents a new approach for memory protection
    between multiple processes. In traditional virtual-memory
    systems where every process gets a different view of the
    address space, with different VM à physical memory
    mappings for each one, and the attendant “context
    switching” problem. In the Opal described there is a
    single flat address space shared by all applications. This
    would not work very long in 32 bit system because it would
    mean the total memory available to all processes is
    limited by 4GB. Even at the time this paper was authored—
    and its relatively recent at 1993 publication date—there
    were applications requiring more memory and it was clear
    that even personal computers would sooner or later exceed
    this limit. (Authors cite an interesting analogue to
    Moore’s law for memory: that address space approximately
    doubles every year.) Opal makes more sense given existence
    of 64b architectures such as the DEC/Digital Alpha and
    MIPS—although the initial prototype was implemented on 32b
    architecture before being ported.


    In Opal address space is shared. All threads (in fact Opal
    has an even more granular concept of execution context
    than ordinary threading) can refer to same data. Pointers
    are portable across process boundaries. That in turn
    provides two major benefits: sharing data is very easy and
    depends only on allowing another thread access to the
    segment where data resides. It also means pointers are
    portable between different threads, which simplifies inter-
    process communication. Assuming that some collection of
    bits is accessible from both contexts, it can be passed by
    reference instead of marhsalled, which can become
    bottleneck for systems heavily dependent on RPC. There is
    also a notion of controlled RPC mechanism dubbed portals,
    with well defined entry points and capabilities.


    There are some complications: for example linking and
    addressing global variables is more difficult because now
    everything is relative to a base address. This is also
    downside from developer point of view; it is much easier
    to debug applications that have same memory layout at all
    times. For example knowing that the stack always starts at
    the same location or this library gets loaded at known
    address are properties useful for inspecting state of a
    process. It’s difficult to judge without doing detailed
    review of the design but there is also dangerous use of
    obfuscation with random check fields for access control.
    In most systems capabilities are not direclty exposed to
    application except by opaque handles to kernel-mode memory
    not directly addressable. Opal allows applications to pass
    capability structures around which raises serious concerns
    about quality of the random number generator for check
    fields and risk for brute-forcing etc.



  • Next message: Manish Mittal: "Sharing and Protection in a Single Address Space Operating System."

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