Review for "Sharing and Protection in a Single-Address-Space Operating System"

From: Justin Voskuhl (
Date: Wed Jan 14 2004 - 16:25:51 PST

  • Next message: Honghai Liu: "Review of Sharing and Protection in a Single-Address-Space OS"

    This paper describes a system which implements a protection scheme that
    is not based on different virtual address spaces per process. The
    authors argue that because of the immense size of a 64-bit address space
    it's time to rethink the way virtual memory works in the OS. All
    processes in the Opal system share a single 64-bit address space. This
    scheme offers a number of benefits that traditional approaches lack:

    - In a traditional OS if you're sharing resources across two
    processes, you need to marshal data back and forth since addresses in
    one process aren't valid in the space of the other process.

    - If you're doing sharing within a process address space then
    you don't get the benefits of isolation that you get with a
    multi-process scheme.


    The system's protection scheme implements a capability-based approach to
    accessing segments in the system. You can create protection
    environments that are more restrictive and call code that's runs in that
    protection environment. This allows you to run code that you don't
    trust fully and ensure that it won't overwrite segments that you don't
    want it to touch.


    The area I found most interesting about this paper is the idea that an
    OS can hide the difference between transient data (intermediate
    calculations and what-not) and persistent data. If software were highly
    reliable, you could imagine that you never really "stop" processes - if
    they're unused then they just get paged out and they aren't scheduled
    CPU time, but when you need it it's paged back in and scheduled. From
    the application perspective the software never really "stopped."
    Unfortunately I think most modern applications need to stop regularly to
    ensure reliability.

  • Next message: Honghai Liu: "Review of Sharing and Protection in a Single-Address-Space OS"

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