Sharing and Protection in a Single Address Space Operating System

From: Chuck Reeves (
Date: Wed Jan 14 2004 - 14:21:21 PST

  • Next message: Slavik Krassovsky: "Jeffrey Chase, Henry Levy, Michael Feeley, and Edward Lazowska. Sharing and Protection in a Single Address Space Operating System"

    Sharing and Protection in a Single-Address-Space Operating System is a
    paper written around 1994 by a number of researchers associated with the
    University of Washington. Leveraging a prototype called Opal (built on
    the Mach 3.0 microkernel) the paper discusses how the principles of
    memory sharing and protection can benefit from the adoption of a 64-bit
    single-address-space operating system.

    Similar to the spheres of protection disccussed in Dennis and Van Horn,
    the authors chose to seperate addressing from protection. This is
    necessary to enable the simplification sought from establishing a single
    address space for all referenced information across the system (the
    authors make the interesting case that this could be across all of space
    and time on a single machine). The paper contrasts some of the methods
    for sharing information between programs in systems using
    multiple-private vs single-shared addressing schemes. I think they make
    a good case, that for heavily normalized data containing a lot of
    pointers that the single-shared model has some great advantages.

    Opal provides a coarse-grained protection scheme based on segments and
    capabilities. Executing threads gain access to a segment by virtue of
    their association with a protection domain. The segment capabilities
    associated with the protection domain can be amended using Attach and

    Conveniently, segments can also be transparently attached on address
    faults. This is done, by publishing a segment capability with an ACL.

    Execution of code that bridges protection domains does require some
    level of involvement by the system. This facility is enabled through the
    publication of discrete entry points called portals.

    I loved the idea of information being persistent (or pinned) in memory.
    The idea of being able to retain data in it's useful form across reboots
    and application starts sounds like a dramatic simplification from the
    way we do this today.

    The heavily normalized data model and the large user base of the Boeing
    CAD system seemed like a logical choice to test the benefits of this
    system. The publish and subscribe system (named Mediator) used to notify
    tools and applications of data changes was fitting for this specific
    case, it would be interesting to see how effective this solution would
    be under other circumstances.


    The shear capacity implied by a single, shared 64-bit address space
    implies some interesting ideas about what the installation profile of a
    computer might look like. It would seem logical that the persistent
    state of the machine would be dramatically different from how it is
    today. Instead of having applications installed (streamed) onto disk. It
    would seem that they could simply exist "resident' in memory perhaps
    paged out, but ready to be invoked with no requirement for all the
    loading and dynamic loading we see today. While there would certainly be
    disk activity in interacting with dormant applications, this model
    would certainly have to cut down on program execution at startup time,
    perhaps similar to a return from hibernation.

  • Next message: Slavik Krassovsky: "Jeffrey Chase, Henry Levy, Michael Feeley, and Edward Lazowska. Sharing and Protection in a Single Address Space Operating System"

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