Cliff Schmidt's review of Paper 7: Chase et al. Sharing and Protection in a Single Address Space Operating System

From: Cliff Schmidt (
Date: Wed Jan 14 2004 - 03:54:11 PST

  • Next message: Tarik Nesh-Nash: ""Sharing and Protection in a Single-Address-Space Operating System" Review"

    This paper describes the Opal system, which is a single-address-space
    operating system that takes advantage of the address space provided by
    64-bit architectures. The big advantage of a single-address-space is the
    separation of addressing from protection, which allows procedures in
    separate protection domains (typically different processes in conventional
    operating systems) to share data by reference. While this concept of shared
    memory was not new, the single-address-space approach allows sharing without
    a priori coordination on behalf of all involved processes in setting up a
    special shared memory space. With a 64-bit addressing scheme, Opal is also
    able to use globally-unique-across-time, virtual memory addresses and even
    persist segments.

    The authors justify the single-address-space approach by explaining that
    in order for two procedures to share data they must make at least one of
    the following compromises: 1) collocate in the same protection domain,
    2) copy data by value and marshal the data from one process to another
    using messages, files, or pipes, or 3) in some operating systems, set up
    a special shared memory space in advance.

    While Opal handles storage allocation, protection, reclamation, and even
    persistence, the paper emphasizes the coarse-grained (also could be called
    segment-grained) approach to memory management, leaving fine-grained control
    to language compilers and runtimes.

    Access to resources is based on capabilities (adapted from the Dennis/Van
    Horn paper and the Wulf et al. HYDRA paper). All segments are potentially
    attachable to a protection domain given the proper capability. I
    particularly found it interesting the way a runtime fault handler can request
    a published capability upon an address fault, receive it and attach the
    segment before returning from the address exception. In order to transfer
    control from one domain to another, the system has the concept of entry
    points called "portals", which is identified by a 64-bit value by a thread
    that requests transfer of control. The Opal version of a capability is
    this portal id + the object address + "randomized check field that verifies
    authority to operate on the object" (how this works wasn't very clear to me).

    Resource Groups and Reference Objects appear to be used to make memory
    management work through reference counting, without letting a thread release
    more resources than it actually acquired (since this would affect the same
    reference count used by other processes).

    I didn't find the implementation section especially valuable, partly due to
    my ignorance of Mach, but also because I felt like the paper was already
    giving me plenty to think about without going into the implementation
    issues that came up with Mach and the side by side Unix issues. However,
    I did find the "Applications and Performance" section interesting. The
    discussion of how to get separate tools to share info, the benefits of
    using a virtual memory location instead of having to map to some other
    key in database, plus the mediator concepts were all very compelling.

  • Next message: Tarik Nesh-Nash: ""Sharing and Protection in a Single-Address-Space Operating System" Review"

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