Sharing and Protection in a Single-Address-Space Operating System

From: Greg Green (
Date: Tue Jan 13 2004 - 21:43:44 PST

  • Next message: Jeff Duzak: "Review of "Sharing and Protection in a Single-Address-Space Operating System""

    This paper proposes to remove process specific virtual memory, and use
    a single virtual memory space for all processes. This allows easy
    sharing and protection mechanisms. The idea of segments and
    capabilities that were introduced in the previous papers that we read
    was reused. Since there is only 1 address space, pointers can easily
    be passed between processes. This has enormous advantages for large,
    interconnected object databases in use by numerous processes. An
    application is built with segments. The application runs with threads
    in a protection domain. This domain controls access to resources, and
    other shared segments, or applications.

    The system had an implementation of protected access points, called
    Portals. This allowed non-trusted applications to call procedures in
    other domains.

    The normal unix linkers and loaders had to be modified to allow the
    system to work. Resources were managed using reference counting, so a
    Resource Group object was designed to allow flexible management of
    these resources. A group can be released, and all resources in that
    group are removed, even if the reference count is not zero. Some
    tricks were needed to manage private data needed by processes using a
    shared segment.

    A prototype was built, called Opal, on top of the Mach
    microkernel. Opal was a server sitting on top of Mach, that controlled
    the resources, domains, and capabilities of the proposed
    design. Segments were controlled similar to a filesystem with an inode
    for each segment. Persistent segments were backed by a file in the
    unix filesystem.

    An application domain was explored and the benefits of using this os
    were explained. This section was quite interesting to me, as I had
    worked on this very project for many years. In my opinion, the
    benefits were right on target. We had severe problems with managing
    large amounts of object-oriented data, and needed high-performance for
    the systems to work at all. The concept of mediators between the
    performance would have worked well, and been much simpler than the
    shared memory, swizzled object-database that we used instead.

    I would have liked to know more about the revocation of
    capabilities. This was alluded to in the last class and seems like a
    difficult problem. I don't see how the solution in the paper solves it.

    Greg Green

  • Next message: Jeff Duzak: "Review of "Sharing and Protection in a Single-Address-Space Operating System""

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