HYDRA Paper Review

From: Reid Wilkes (reidw_at_microsoft.com)
Date: Wed Jan 14 2004 - 15:42:50 PST

  • Next message: Gail Rahn: "Review of HYDRA paper"


    The HYDRA paper is to me one of the most interesting we have read thus
    far. I think this is largely due to the fact that it prevents some quite
    unfamiliar and novel concepts, while at the same time seeming to make
    the concepts much clearer than some of the of the other papers (such as
    the "Programming Semantics" paper). The basic purpose of the paper is to
    define an abstract infrastructure for building an OS. This
    infrastructure provides a couple of significant services: an
    object-oriented model for use in building OS services, and a system of
    protection developed around these objects. Although the paper supposedly
    defines the kernel of an operating system, I have trouble seeing how the
    system proposed really could be called a kernel. Rather, it appears that
    HYDRA proposes a model for building a kernel. The only thing that HYDRA
    paper proposes that is concrete is the protection mechanism around the
    objects. The paper makes no attempt to explain how HYDRA might
    handle/provide basic OS services such as memory management, file system,
    or scheduling. Rather, the paper supposes that all of these things can
    be built by "users" on top of the primitive object notions which HYDRA
    provides. (clearly they are assuming that "users" are advanced systems
    engineers). Early in the paper, the authors make the claim that strict
    hierarchical design is not adequate or appropriate for operating system
    architecture. The design of the HYDRA system clearly reflects this bias
    - the core of the system itself is simply the set of primitive blocks
    upon which to build a set of services which essentially are cooperating
    peers. The protection mechanism described in the paper is a capabilities
    based system, and the authors state that those ideas came directly from
    the "Programming Semantics" paper. The discussion of the capabilities
    system seems a bit more concrete in this paper and was overall easier to
    understand. However, it is still difficult to really get a grasp overall
    of how the capabilities system would be applied in a large scale system
    (more than the simple examples offered in the papers). One very
    interesting thing in the paper is the idea that a procedure itself is
    represented by an object and therefore an associated list of
    capabilities. This means that a caller does not have to necessarily have
    all the permissions necessary to perform the tasks which the method
    being called needs to perform. This mechanism provided through a
    capabilities based system is impossible to implement with resource-based
    access control lists, and closely resembles some of the basic ideas in
    the Microsoft .NET Code Access Security system.



  • Next message: Gail Rahn: "Review of HYDRA paper"

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