HYDRA review

From: Muench, Joanna (jmuench_at_fhcrc.org)
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 16:36:19 PST

  • Next message: Prasanna Kumar Jayapal: "Review of Hydra"

    The Wulf et al paper on the HYDRA system presents the design philosophy of
    our first kernel for an operating system. The authors in this paper
    specifically mention their lack of satisfaction with the layered approach
    detailed by Dijkstra for THE and instead describe the kernel of basic
    facilities necessary for any operating system. They argue that this kernel
    approach is an easier way to created a flexible, reliable and easily
    protected operating system.

    The paper introduces three core object types, procedure, LNS and process and
    provides a simplified explanation of how a procedure become a process with
    the capabilities described in a stack of LNS's. The paper also presents a
    clear differentiation between protection, a mechanism the kernel offers, and
    security, a policy that may be present in higher level facilities. The
    central components of the protection mechanism are the object, capabilities
    and the CALL/RETURN pair of functions. Since capabilities are just
    references to objects, this whole system begins to feel very
    object-oriented, and hence very flexible. Here we also find our first
    discussion of garbage collection.

    The rest of the paper discusses how a kernel containing these basic
    mechanisms will make building an operating system easier. The argument isn't
    entirely compelling, mostly due to a lack of discussion of the performance
    of such a fine-grained protection mechanism. However the last section
    provides an extremely interesting example of using the protection mechanisms
    within the kernel to control access to a shared bibliographic database. As a
    researcher working with a shared bibliography, it is a compelling example
    and one that would be difficult to implement in a Windows or UNIX
    environment. The closest application that comes to mind is the version
    control software CVS. Having tried to fine-tune the permissions in Linux for
    that application I can appreciate the simple ownership scheme this paper

  • Next message: Prasanna Kumar Jayapal: "Review of Hydra"

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