HYDRA Paper Review

From: Raz Mathias (razvanma_at_exchange.microsoft.com)
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 15:03:47 PST

  • Next message: Chuck Reeves: "HYDRA: The Kernel of a Multiprocessor Operating System"

    The HYDRA paper introduced the a primitive version of the concept of an
    object-oriented operating system. Many of the elements of
    object-oriented design were embodied in the implementation of HYDRA
    (with the exception of dynamic dispatching based on object type).


    The goal of the paper was to describe a flexible system for separating
    policy from mechanism. The paper introduced the notion of a kernel as a
    system that provides the protection mechanisms necessary for
    implementing flexible security policies.


    Procedures in the HYDRA system embodied the object parameters, private
    data, security information, and the code for operating on the passed-in
    parameters. Extending the ideas of capability systems originating from
    the MCS paper, code executes in the dynamic context of a local name
    space (LNS), which is basically a list of capabilities available to the
    execution at any given time. These capabilities included
    caller-independent capabilities (obtained from procedure objects), which
    were present regardless of who was calling the procedure and
    caller-dependent parameterized capabilities (dubbed templates), which
    included the dynamic capabilities of the caller during the course of the
    execution. The LNS essentially tells the execution what it can and
    cannot access.


    The paper claims that the idea of object ownership is abolished in the
    system, giving the system great flexibility. Basically, these access
    tokens or "capabilities" are passed around, yielding or taking away
    access from underlying objects and procedures. Although sound in
    principle, there is a huge amount of complexity introduced into the
    system. The idea of caller-independent capabilities for procedures
    makes them brittle and potentially dangerous. Consider the case where a
    procedure is coded to have access to a critical system resource that the
    user shouldn't have access to. Also consider the fact that to access an
    object both the correct access-bit capability needs to be in the LSN and
    the procedure operating on the object must be there as well.


    Objects can be concrete or abstract, representing an underlying resource
    in the operating system. Objects combined with procedures and
    capabilities form a system akin to modern object-oriented systems.
    Objects "derive" from types which hold prototypical sets of capabilities
    for classes of objects. This single-level hierarchy reminds me of a
    primitive object-oriented system. Procedures encapsulate operations on
    these objects, only running if a sufficient set of access capabilities
    are granted. The ability to extend the type system, the sets of objects
    derived from the type system, and simultaneously retain control over who
    can do these operations on these new objects an interesting and valuable
    contribution of this paper. The question is whether the increased
    complexity in management justifies this increase in flexibility.



  • Next message: Chuck Reeves: "HYDRA: The Kernel of a Multiprocessor Operating System"

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