Rewiwer on HYDRA

From: Honghai Liu (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 14:11:32 PST

  • Next message: Slavik Krassovsky: "W. Wulf, E. Cohen, W. Corwin, A. Jones, R. Levin, C. Pierson, and F. Pollack. HYDRA: The Kernel of a Multiprocessor Operating System."

    Paper: HYDRA: The kernel of a Multiprocessor Operating System


    Reviewer: Honghai Liu


    After struggling reading Jack Dennis and Van Horn's paper of "Programming Semantics for Multi-programmed Computation", I really enjoyed reading through this paper. Not because it's more contemporary but also because the author's incredible ability and vision on grasp of what really is core of the protection, taking off all the unnecessary parts on discussion on security( or policy issues).


    As a result, a very limited and but core primitive ideas were discussed and clearly reasoned. The primitives presented are ideally orthogonal and can be easily developed further to build other interesting operations for specific applications. These primitives include: procedure, objects and capacity on protection mechanism.


    By the way, taking out the hierarchy structure suggested by Dennis and Horn's paper is another reason why the paper is clear and constant, because layered structure is difficult to apply in practice even it is appealing by its structure.

  • Next message: Slavik Krassovsky: "W. Wulf, E. Cohen, W. Corwin, A. Jones, R. Levin, C. Pierson, and F. Pollack. HYDRA: The Kernel of a Multiprocessor Operating System."

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