Paper review: UNIX time-sharing system

From: Cem Paya 98 (Cem.Paya.98_at_Alum.Dartmouth.ORG)
Date: Wed Jan 07 2004 - 17:37:30 PST

  • Next message: Shearer, James E: "Jim Shearer's review of "The UNIX Time-Sharing System""

    Cem Paya, CSE551P

    The UNIX time-sharing system
    Dennis M. Ritchie, Ken Thompson

    This is an early “vintage” paper (1974) with high-level
    overview of the UNIX system. While it’s clearly showing
    its age with anachronisms (references to typewriters,
    hardware “costing as little as $40,000” and painstaking
    descriptions of the PDP/11 peripherals) the paper was
    clearly ahead of its time. In relatively small space the
    authors describe key concepts that made UNIX successful:
    file system, notion of links, treating hardware devices as
    ordinary files subject to same semantics, access-control &
    security for files, command shell, etc.

    Reading this paper in 2004 with the benefit of 30 years of
    hindsight in commercial operating systems development, we
    can single out the times when the authors were proved
    prescient. For example they comment about the advantages
    of treating I/O devices as part of the file system, which
    simplifies programming—important since being developer-
    friendly is one of the stated objectives. Section #3.5 on
    file protection suggests security was one of the
    considerations in design. Discussion around using an
    editor as shell to prevent users from invoking UNIX
    programs not intended for their use is perhaps the first
    mention of the problem of sandboxing. Pipe mechanism (what
    the authors describe as filters) is an elegant way to tie
    together multiple programs. Perhaps most important
    contribution is their philosophy on design: small pieces,
    each doing one task well, joined together using the OS.
    They contrast the command line approach to printing
    directory contents into an offline file (“ls” run in
    cascade with “pr” and “opr”) verses a single monolithic
    directory listing application that supports the
    functionality of all three commands, describing the latter
    as “unwise for efficiency reasons.” In spite of Ritchie’s
    knack for understatements at work here, this idea of
    building up powerful functionality by tying together very
    many small programs is at the core of UNIX.

    On the downside, UNIX has also introduced its fair share
    of problems. Section on protection describes the ill-fated
    notion of SUID (set-user-ID) programs which has been a
    constant source of security problems. The success of UNIX
    is paradoxically attributed to the lack of formal
    objectives, recounting the history of Ken Thompson
    creating an operating system to make better use of an
    otherwise under-utilized PDP7. Lack of clear requirements
    generally does not bide well for consistent design,
    although in the case of UNIX they were perhaps supplanted
    by the three guiding principles. One of these is a clear
    strength, namely that the system can maintain itself.
    Second is largely historical and perhaps on balance not
    good influence: severe size constraints is not a good
    guiding principle in the face of Moore’s law. (Example:
    use of 32-bit time counters which will overflow in 2038 to
    create the next Y2K crisis.) The last one is simply mind-
    boggling when UNIX is considered in light of its
    commercial potential. In an age of ubiqutious computing
    ease of writing code is hardly one of the benefits end
    users will appreciate. Granted that can indirectly
    influence quality of the platform by determining what
    types of applications will be written, but such early
    emphasis on developer requirements seems oddly incongruent
    in current view of computing.

  • Next message: Shearer, James E: "Jim Shearer's review of "The UNIX Time-Sharing System""

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