Review of "The UNIX Time-sharing system" paper

From: Praveen Rao (
Date: Wed Jan 07 2004 - 17:05:39 PST

  • Next message: Prasanna Kumar Jayapal: "Review of the UNIX system"

    This paper provides a good overview of UNIX system without going into
    depths of implementations of any specific features.


    File system is cited as the most important role of the system. The paper
    talks about ordinary files, directories and special files. It also
    explains linking of the files. One of the features of the system
    highlighted is that each I/O device supported by the system is
    associated with at least one file. The mechanism to interact with I/O
    devices and reading/writing ordinary data files is exactly the same.
    There is uniformity in access paradigm, naming and protection scheme
    across devices and ordinary files. This I believe is a very powerful
    paradigm and paper does a good job of driving this point.


    The paper then describes some details of implementation of the file
    systems. It is made clear that in case of linked files, there is no
    "master" file amongst the links and that the information about the file
    is stored separately from the file. Links just increment and decrement
    the reference count on the file.


    The image execution model (execution/termination/synchronization) is
    described in some detail and one method of inter-process communication
    (pipes) is touched upon. This nicely leads the way into the discussion
    of the Shell - it is discussed how commands are executed in shell, how
    input and output redirection works and how the high level view of how
    the shell itself is implemented.


    Overall this was a very nice paper for the overview of UNIX and the key
    point highlighted, IMO, was the file access model and how that extends
    to devices and ties into image execution through shell. The open
    question the paper leaves is what limits extending such resources usage
    model (used for files and devices) to other resources like memory.

  • Next message: Prasanna Kumar Jayapal: "Review of the UNIX system"

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