review of Ritchie/Thompson UNIX paper

From: Cliff Schmidt (
Date: Wed Jan 07 2004 - 13:22:22 PST

  • Next message: Jeff Duzak: "Review of "The UNIX Time-Sharing System""

    The UNIX paper is mainly interesting from a historical context. Many of the
    features that I'm familiar with (often from features that found their way
    into MS-DOS) were discussed, even though several of them originated in other
    operating systems such as Multics.

    It was especially interesting to read justification for concepts that we
    take for granted today, such as:

    - the structure of files is controlled by the program which uses them, not
    by the system
    - reasons for a tree-structured file system
    - protection system's use of the seventh bit to temporarily change user
    identification. This issue of delegation is being revisited today in Web
    services and other places around distributed computing.
    - buffering and caching secondary storage in core memory. I wondered
    whether this was first being figured out for UNIX or whether these concepts
    were borrowed from Database Management Systems of the time.
    - process synchronization and forking -- also interesting to read how the
    thought process behind having the Shell create a sub process for each
    execution which returns back to the shell when finished (unless the '&'
    character is used). Also interesting how the Shell passes on standard or
    redirected input and output devices to the new process and is then able to
    return to its own devices.
    - desirability of pushing device-dependent considerations into the
    operating system
    - explanation of a system "crash" and the statistics on system reliability,
    including the 98% uptime. I don't think that 2/3 of crashes today are due
    to hardware.

    Features that I wasn't familiar with (as a Windows user) were:

    - linking: unlike Windows shortcuts, files don't actually exist in any
    particular directory.
    - special files: seems to allow more than the 26 possible device names
    used by Windows (A:, C:, etc) by letting file names be used as device names,
    although later in the paper there is mention of a pair of bytes that
    constitute an internal device name -- this might be the true limit to the
    number of potential devices.

    I was a little concerned about the following statements:

    - It's possible to become scrambled when two users write on a file
    simultaneously, but in practice difficulties do not arise. I don't
    think that would be acceptable today.
    - The i-number is an integer pointer, which inherently limits the number
    of files that the system can manage to the max value of an integer on
    the system (possibly 65k for this system?).
    - the buffering system may not perform an I/O until some time after the
    application attempts to write. The authors do not mention whether an
    explicit option is available to force a flush of the buffer to secondary
    storage. Without this, a system crash could cause loss of data that the
    user was told was saved.

    It was interesting to note that from the very beginning, UNIX was designed
    to be an operating system for developers, namely the two authors of the
    paper. This explains a lot of the design features.

  • Next message: Jeff Duzak: "Review of "The UNIX Time-Sharing System""

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