P2P Measurement Review

From: David Coleman (dcoleman_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Sun Mar 07 2004 - 19:41:56 PST

  • Next message: Steve Arnold: "Review: Gummadi et al., ...Analysis of a Peer-to-Peer..."

    Measurement, Modeling, and Analysis of a Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing
    Workload was very different from all the papers assigned this quarter.
    This paper describes and breaks down the Internet traffic generated by
    the KaZaa file-sharing system at the UW campus.

    This paper answered a basic question I had about Zipf workload
    distributions. I had heard of the Zipf curves in earlier papers but did
    not have a definition and had not taken the time to research it
    (something about being too busy reading papers).

    There were three things that surprised me in this paper. First, the
    amount of bandwidth consumed by peer-to-peer file-sharing services. I
    suspect that the University demographics play a significant part in
    skewing the bandwidth usage toward file-sharing but still would not have
    ever guessed that it would essentially overwhelm conventional network
    traffic. Second, the amount of time that users are willing to wait. I
    would not have guessed that they would wait longer than a few hours over
    the average time necessary to download that file. Finally, the quantity
    of video files being transferred really surprised me. I expected the
    audio file quantity to be as large as it was but not the video.

    I take minor issue with the definition of web pages being mutable
    objects and multimedia files being immutable. This is not a significant
    detail for me, but it strikes me as a web page that is nearly constantly
    updated could easily be considered a stream of immutable objects and
    thus would be considered a series of fetch-at-most-once objects. If the
    cnn.com home page never updated, it would be considered an immutable
    object but would not be fetched much as it goes out of date. The fact
    that most sites allow the user to search through archives of older
    versions of the same page gives a little more credence to the concept of
    a stream of immutable objects.

    I suspect that the size of the University population significantly
    increases the effectiveness of caching in a proxy server or redirecting
    requests internally. Although the number of requests would be smaller
    in a smaller client population I suspect that a much larger percentage
    of requests would not be able to be fulfilled locally. Of course, the
    smaller client population might generate a fewer number of requests for
    older, less-popular objects which might normalize the local hit-rate
    back to the results to the paper.

    This was an interesting deviation from our routine and provided some
    real insight and solutions to dealing with the network traffic generated
    by peer-to-peer file-sharing systems. Unfortunately, I believe most
    corporate-style networks will simply ban the activity instead of working
    to keep traffic internal due to potential legal liability and network
    usage issues. Roxio (owner of Napster, founder of the p2p revolution)
    has banned it internally for just these reasons.

  • Next message: Steve Arnold: "Review: Gummadi et al., ...Analysis of a Peer-to-Peer..."

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