Review: performance and flexibility on exokernels

From: Cem Paya 98 (Cem.Paya.98_at_Alum.Dartmouth.ORG)
Date: Wed Jan 21 2004 - 16:49:47 PST

  • Next message: Prasanna Kumar Jayapal: "Review of Exokernel paper - Kaashoek, et al."

    Paper review: Application performance and flexibility on
    exo-kernel systems
    Cem Paya, CSE 551P

    This paper describes the ExOS/Xok combination, which
    implements a subset of the UNIX API on top of an exo-
    kernel architecture, granting applications flexibility in
    directly managing hardware resources ordinarily mediated
    by the operating system itself. As the authors point out
    this opens up an opportunity for experimenting and
    innovation, since writing application level code is easier
    and accessible to more developers than writing kernel mode
    code. On the other hand it sounds like recipe for disaster—
    reliability is one of the commonly cited reasons for
    denying applications access to raw hardware, favoring
    abstractions exposed by the operating system instead. This
    paper attempts with mixed results to argue that protection
    and management can be seperated, the former under complete
    control of the kernel while the latter is driven by
    individual applications, all without unduly impacting
    performance. If that sounds like a high-wire act, rest of
    the paper does little to dispel that concern.

    It certainly does succeed at proving that exo-kernel
    design can get very complicated. Basic functionality
    generally associated with monolithic kernels (scheduling,
    resource allocation, file system etc.) is now supported by
    multiple, library operating systems or libOSes with
    potentially different implementations. Exokernel oversees
    that the different libOSes not interfere with each other
    while sharing the same block oriented storage device. This
    involves quite a few Rube-Goldberg contraptions because
    the kernel is trying to enforce access controls without
    understanding the semantics of file system structures. The
    solution involves a primitive programming language for the
    libOS to express various predicates that Xok can evaluate
    to verify that the libOS is obeying its own rules. (Not
    the only “virtual execution environment” introduced here—
    there is also code injected into the kernel as wake-up
    predicates, which are compiled on the fly into machine
    language.) There are optimizations based on trust model
    between libOSes: cooperating, one-way trust and mutually
    suspicious—although the cooperation model which assumes
    libOSes can write into each other’s address space does not
    take into account the more common scenario of well-
    intentioned but buggy application corrupting an
    abstraction shared with another app.

    There are surprises in the paper too: for example not only
    are typical application not significantly slower in ExOS,
    some of them are are considerably faster. Benchmarks
    involved comparing ExOS/Xok combination to FreeBSD,
    OpenBSD and OpenBSD running a port of the C-FFS filesystem
    used by ExOS. More bewildering is an application of
    extensibility that allows emualted code to run faster than
    on native hardware. This is due to ExOS being able to
    elliminate most of the error checking and parameter
    validation code necessary to prevent kernel from panicing
    on bad input; with an exokernel an application the point
    is mute because the application will only crash its own
    libOS. You can copy files without blitting contnet bits in
    memory or serve HTTP responses without copying from file
    to network send buffer as in the Cheetah HTTP server.
    (Incidientally this ter is natively supported in Linux and
    Windows, because it was recognized as key optimization for
    web servers.) Perhaps the most unorthodox trend in this
    paper is that the design chooses to expose as much as
    information as possible about low-level kernel behavior to
    applications. This goes against the grain of abstraction,
    encapsulation and information hiding. Commodity operating
    systems tend to guard hardware resources carefully. Useful
    optimizations are exposed as special cases, such as
    TransmiteFile() in Windows which is an analog of the
    Cheetah server’s merging of file cache and TCP
    retransmission pool or Linux futexes which are the analog
    of inexpensive critical sections that the authors point
    out are useful for libOSes. Perf-critical applications can
    take advantage of transparency in exokernel design to
    extract more performance, but jury is out on whether the
    benefits justify the massive complexity.

  • Next message: Prasanna Kumar Jayapal: "Review of Exokernel paper - Kaashoek, et al."

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