Kashooek review

From: Brian Milnes (brianmilnes_at_qwest.net)
Date: Wed Jan 21 2004 - 14:07:02 PST

  • Next message: Ankur Rawat \(Excell Data Corporation\): "ExoKernel Review."

    Application Performance and Flexibility on the Exokernel System - Kaashoek
    et al

    The Exokernel architecture takes the concept of a micro kernel to its
    extreme. Instead of building a general purpose OS and providing specific
    interfaces in a server, they build just the smallest possible kernel and
    allow the user to adjust the OS built into a shared library.

    The authors propose build a kernel that exposes the hardware primitives and
    low level functionality such as blocks, pages, page tables, TLBs and disk
    drivers to the user. They use a fast IPC, hierarchical capabilities and
    credentials to provide user process communication with this kernel. They
    then allow users to build any system that they want with these primitives
    and to provide this functionality in shared libraries. One interesting
    question is where are they really putting device drivers? They provide
    security primitives that allow mutual trust, one way trust and mutual

    They use interpreted wakeup predicates and a simple type template system to
    allow the user to insert code into the kernel for making the kernel
    interfaces general enough to allow this factoring. This is an interesting
    approach, but a more general programming language and proof carrying code
    seems more appealing here. The language independence here is much less
    appealing than the expressiveness of a full programming language augmented
    with proofs of safety properties such as termination.

    They tested these ideas by building a stable storage system, XN and a file
    system on it called C-FFS. These required a quite complicated design and
    took them several iterations to get right. They can support full UNIX
    functionality and produce comparable or better performance on a variety of
    file system benchmarks. Their most interesting benchmark was a specialized
    HTTP server that produced up to a factor of eight. I have done a similar
    file packing optimization and it was much more difficult than how Cheetah
    could do it. This really shows the power of letting users optimize their
    kernel services for their application.

    Although the idea is very appealing, it is clearly a very complicated one.
    First, getting the right kernel layer abstractions seemed quite difficult in
    their example. Second, they assume that developers can build in optimized
    versions of specific applications. They may be right but I suspect that very
    few programmers are interested in this. Reliability is much more important
    and making your own OS level code reliable is a difficult task.

  • Next message: Ankur Rawat \(Excell Data Corporation\): "ExoKernel Review."

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