Exokernel paper review

From: Reid Wilkes (reidwilkes_at_verizon.net)
Date: Tue Jan 20 2004 - 23:18:13 PST

  • Next message: Song Xue: "Review of "Application Performance and Flexibility on Exokernel Systems""

    This is the first time I have ever heard of or been exposed to the ideas of
    an exokernel, so my experience here is somewhat limited. It seems that the
    basic idea of the exokernel is that the microkernel continues shrinking
    until it finally becomes nothing, then it implodes and all its insides are
    now outside. All kidding aside, the idea of the exokernel is one that I have
    a really hard time accepting. The exokernel system consists of a very small
    OS core which provides only the barest minimal set of functionality. This
    minimal set of functionality includes allowing applications to allocate
    resources and see what resources are available on the machine, and also a
    few assorted services such as supplying a mapping between cache pages and
    the disk blocks they are backing. Clients to the kernel itself are presented
    with the lowest level abstractions of the actual hardware as possible - for
    instance when talking to the kernel about disk usage the units used are true
    disk blocks... certainly the kernel provides no concept of file. The paper
    really kind of skimps a bit on detailed discussions of how the
    implementation actually looked and doesn't (at least to me) make it clear
    what was done in the "kernel" and what was left out. However the basic idea
    comes across perfectly well which is that applications are left to deal with
    what is almost bare hardware. The idea then is that the majority of services
    normally provided by operating systems are offered in what are termed as
    "libOSes". A libOS is a user mode library which provides some higher level
    of abstraction to its clients of the raw hardware exposed from the true
    kernel. Thus, the libOS'es become the operating system. The authors describe
    a concrete set of work they did towards a full implementation of an
    exokernel system. Xok is the true exokernel core, ExOS is the primary libOS
    they create which provides something quite similar to the system interfaces
    one would normally see on a Unix platform. One very compelling point about
    exokernel systems is that the system interface is defined entirely by the
    libOS, of which there can be any number on the system. Therefore there is a
    certain "polymorphic" quality to the OS. A large part of the paper is spent
    describing how to expose stable storage in an exokernel system. Apparently
    the problem is quite difficult as the solution described, XN, is the 4th
    iteration for the authors. The challenges arise from the fact that in
    keeping with exokernel concept throughout the system the authors chose to
    make the file system (of libFS) part of the libOS layer; therefore the
    system in theory should support multiple file systems on top of the same
    piece of disk real estate. This is an idea I have never heard of before and
    certainly would seem to be quite ambitious to try to implement in any truly
    successful way. The final part of the paper goes over performance results
    from various benchmarks run on their Xos implementation compared with some
    standard Unix implementation for X86 platforms such as FreeBSD. Not
    suprisingly, the benchmarks look good. When you essentially don't have an OS
    and can build a web server, or whatever application you will, directly on
    the hardware you are going to see performance improvements. If I sound a bit
    cynical it's because I really am; for various reasons I don't really see
    this as a good idea. 1 - I was not really able to decipher a clear reasoning
    from the paper on how this kind of system could even begin to offer true
    security and protection; it seems that it would be very hard to achieve
    these goals in an exokernel system. I do know that the paper addresses
    protection specifically, but I suppose I don't really understand how that
    protection is manifested in the implementation. 2 - It's fast in their
    benchmarks, and they claim that they have done some testing to show it works
    well on loaded systems, but it seems impossible to buy into the idea that
    one poorly written application couldn't completely monopolize the system
    resources. 3 - I will admit that this is a great idea for the most
    performance sensitive applications, and that the the Cheetah web server
    described is the meanest, baddest web server I've ever heard of, but yet the
    investment in time and almost more importantly skill to correctly build an
    application from such a primitive base seems likely to be prohibitive.

  • Next message: Song Xue: "Review of "Application Performance and Flexibility on Exokernel Systems""

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