Review: Application Performance and Flexibility on Exokernel Systems

From: Sellakumaran Kanagarathnam (
Date: Tue Jan 20 2004 - 19:58:47 PST

  • Next message: manish: "Application Performance and Flexibility on Exokernel Systems"

    This paper introduces the exokernel operating system, describes the
    exokernel principles and focuses in on XN, Xok's multiplexing stable
    storage; gives an overview of Xok/ExOS, compares the application
    performance on Xok/ExOS with two Unix systems; demonstrates the
    extensibility by explaining two applications: XCP and the Cheetah
    HTTP/1.0 server; compares the global performance of Xok/ExOS with
    FreeBSD UNIX version. It concludes with the clear advantages, costs and
    the lessons learned.

    The exokernel operating system architecture safely gives untrusted
    software efficient control over hardware and software resources by
    separating management from protection. The authors say that the
    organization of traditional operating systems (kernel, privileged
    servers and untrusted applications) is flawed. Designing interfaces for
    the traditional systems would need to resolve all tradeoffs and
    anticipate all ways the interface could be used which is infeasible.
    Exokernel architecture solves this exact problem by giving untrusted
    applications as much control as possible. The exokernel protect
    resources but they delegate management to applications. Now every
    application may not need customized resource management and this is
    taken care of by providing unprivileged libraries libOSes. With the
    help of libOSes, many UNIX applications can be run with out
    modifications on exokernels. The comparison results show that some
    applications run up to a factor of four faster on Xok/ExOS. And the
    authors, on the performance front, demonstrate that they get up to 8
    times performance for Cheetah server.

    The exokernel architecture was proposed in 1995 by D.R. Engler & others.
    The authors talk about the previous literature on extensible operating
    systems (dating from 1970) under three heads: better microkernels,
    virtual machines and downloading untrusted code into the kernel. Many
    of these are directly or indirectly applicable to Exokernels/libOSes.

    The goal of an exokernel is to give efficient control of resources to
    untrusted applications in a secure, multi-user environment and the
    following principles are followed to achieve that goal.
    1) Separate protection and management
    2) Expose allocation
    3) Expose names (exokernels use physical names wherever possible)
    4) Expose revocation (policies to applications)
    5) Expose information

    The authors explain kernel support for protected abstractions in
    addition to direct access to low level resources.
    It is good to note that the authors try to provide added interfaces for
    protected abstractions but in my understanding; they essentially are
    taking the traditional approach which was deemed infeasible by them.
    Then they go on to explain protected sharing in exokernels/libOSes. The
    exokernel provides four mechanisms libOSes can use to maintain
    invariants in shared abstractions: software regions,
    hierarchically-named capabilities, wakeup predicates and critical
    sections. And three levels of trust determine what optimizations can be
    used by the implementation of a shared abstraction: mutual trust,
    unidirectional trust and mutual distrust.

    The authors then go on to explain XN, Xok's low-level in-kernel stable
    operating system which is used to multiplex disks among multiple library
    file systems. They explain one particular libFS as well: C-FFS. XN uses
    UDFs (untrusted deterministic functions). These are used by Kernel to
    interact with libFS to make certain decisions. XN solves the issue of
    efficiently determining the access rights by using templates and UDFs.
    XN used tainted blocks for ordered disk writes and used buffer cache
    registry for allowing protected sharing of disk blocks and their
    metadata to physical pages.

    The authors explain the implementation of UNIX abstractions (process,
    IPC, file descriptors, files) on Xok using ExOS.

    The next section explains the application performance on Xok. The
    measurements establish two results. First, the base performance of
    unaltered UNIX applications linked with ExOS is comparable to OpenBSD
    and FreeBSD. Second, some unaltered applications perform better on
    ExOS (and this is because of ExOS's high-performance file system.

    This paper clearly explains Exokernels from two perspectives:
    extensibility and performance. XN and C-FFS clearly demonstrate the
    extensibility and some of the applications drive the point. Overall the
    paper and the comparisons seem to validate the exokernel approach.

  • Next message: manish: "Application Performance and Flexibility on Exokernel Systems"

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