Review: Exokernel

From: Steve Arnold (
Date: Wed Jan 14 2004 - 17:07:13 PST

  • Next message: Gang Zhao: "On behalf of David Winkler --Review: Application Performance and Flexibility on Exokernel Systems"

    The authors of this paper explain their Exokernel system and why it
    performs better than a typical OS. The Exokernel system given regular
    applications more control over controlling resources without having to
    trust them as part of the kernel. They explain that this brings up many


    Much concentration is given to XN, the flexible stable storage system.
    It allows great flexibility to have multiple file systems on the system
    at one time. It also provides a discussion of how you then provide
    mechanisms to share amongst those systems. I won't go into the details
    here, but there are many coherence and other requirements that must be
    followed to make it work, while still allowing as much control as


    Next they go on to explain Xok. This is more of the kernel part, where
    memory and processes are managed. On top of Xok, they built ExOS, which
    is an application that provides many OS-type utilities. As part of their
    research they implemented many UNIX abstractions through this.


    In the final section of the paper, they conclude with a performance
    discussion. Even the base system performance on traditional tasks, they
    contend, perform better. However the real gain comes from custom
    designing your applications to manage system resources. Their primary
    example is in a web server.


    The authors present some convincing arguments. I would have liked to
    have a higher level overview of their system, as I didn't follow some of
    the implementation details. It seems though that you still give up some
    advances in stability in order to achieve more performance.

  • Next message: Gang Zhao: "On behalf of David Winkler --Review: Application Performance and Flexibility on Exokernel Systems"

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