Review: Denali

From: Raz Mathias (
Date: Mon Mar 01 2004 - 17:44:56 PST

  • Next message: Ian King: "Review: Whitaker et al., Scale and Performance in the Denali Isolation Kernel"

    Scale and Performance in the Denali Isolation Kernel


    This paper introduced us to the virtualization architecture of Denali,
    which is optimized for scalability, security, fault tolerance and
    simplicity. These properties make this system particularly useful for
    the development of web services.


    The paper begins by listing a number of novel applications that are
    enabled by the Denali architecture. The first was the ability to
    download dynamic content and run it without security worries. Next,
    virtual hosting services on the Internet can actually host dynamic
    content (code, scripts, etc.) without worrying about malicious users;
    this just seems like a novel, cost-effective business idea to me. Next
    there is the ability to allow large-scale distributed experiments based
    upon web services to peacefully coexist (this seems "highly tailored" to
    fit the needs of other Ph.D.'s :). Finally, the idea of mobile code is
    introduced which is relevant to Grid Computing, in which the underlying
    machine cannot necessarily trust the code it downloads but must run it


    The system implements a virtual memory monitor (VMM), which abstracts
    the underlying physical architecture from the current running operating
    system. Unlike previous systems, Denali actually changes the system
    machine's architecture to both simplify it and to allow it to scale to a
    large number of VM's. This tradeoff is made at the heavy expense of
    losing support for existing operating systems (although this is not as
    big a problem as it seems in the Linux world where the kernel is freely
    available and can be modified). Inactive systems are swapped to disk in
    their entirety. This policy allows for conformity with typical web
    service usage where certain services are very highly used, whereas
    others are rarely touched.


    To get around the typical problem of information sharing between VMM and
    VM (like we've seen with the Disco), the architecture introduces a
    couple of virtual instructions. The "idle-with-timeout" instruction
    rewards a VM for giving up its CPU to other VM's. This reward structure
    encourages virtual machine to give up CPU cycles to each other. New
    virtual registers are exposed to allow the virtual machine to have
    access to various pieces of information otherwise abstracted out by the
    VMM. Unsafe machine instructions are not emulated in order to maintain
    system security. To avoid the impact of TLB flushes (that plagued
    Disco) when transitioning between Denali and the VM's OS, Denali itself
    is mapped into the VM's physical address space. Furthermore, Denali
    virtualizes the I/O of the system to decrease complexity and to increase
    performance (by avoiding numerous PIO calls). Another interesting
    aspect of the system is the subtle redefinition of interrupts. Because
    entire virtual machines may be swapped to disk, the authors of the
    system decided to batch interrupts and deliver them when the VM wakes up
    again. This had the effect of changing the definition of the timer
    interrupt to mean that "it will eventually fire" rather than "it will
    fire about every x milliseconds."


    This system is very similar to the Exokernel system we looked at
    earlier, except that this system does not provide a mechanism for
    building complex security policy on top of it. The security policy is
    made implicit by the private, virtualized hardware, no one can see
    anyone else's virtual hardware and all sharing occurs through the
    virtualized network. This simplicity solves the problem of complex
    administration (which weakens a security system) and complex
    implementation (which can introduce security-related bugs) at the
    expense of flexible security policies and some performance (data needs
    to be explicitly marshaled across VM's). This seems like exactly the
    right kind of tradeoff to make, especially in the context of web
    services, in which all communication occurs over the network anyway.


    The system as presented in this paper seemed to achieve its goals of
    scalability and security through isolation. I believe that the ability
    to safely run untrusted code will play a very critical part in the
    adoption and dissemination of distributed (web) services.


  • Next message: Ian King: "Review: Whitaker et al., Scale and Performance in the Denali Isolation Kernel"

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