Denali review

From: Muench, Joanna (
Date: Mon Mar 01 2004 - 14:36:29 PST

  • Next message: Cem Paya 98: "Review: Denali isolation kernel"

    And the award for most-readable paper goes to... Denali!!! (round of

    Whitaker, et al. (2002) introduce the Denali isolation kernel as a scalable
    solution to provide a secure infrastructure for Internet applications. The
    system is unabashedly directed as a solution to a narrow (but sizable)
    problem space. The virtual architecture is not designed to support
    unmodified legacy systems, although such systems could be altered to run on

    The minimalist kernel that makes up Denali clearly inherits a great deal
    from Exokernel, especially the first principle of exposing only low-level
    resources. An interesting aspect of security that I hadn't considered is the
    issue of layer-below attacks, where a resource can be exploited by access
    from a layer below the layer of enforcement. There are also similarities to
    Disco in terms of the use of a virtual machine monitor, but instead of
    trying to emulate the underlying architecture, Denali allows the virtual
    architecture to deviate from the physical architecture.

    The actual implementation of Denali is designed for simplicity. Interfaces
    to I/O devices are provided, but in a simplified fashion. Similar to the
    Exokernel libOS's, the VM shares its address space with applications. This
    is very effective for the lightweight Internet applications Denali is
    designed for, although would probably not work well for larger applications.
    The authors choose static allocation for memory management, trading some
    disk capacity for enhanced performance and scalability.

    The system seemed to meet its stated goals of simplicity, security and
    scalability. There were a few bottlenecks identified; the significant once
    appeared to be a problem with mbuf entropy, the implications of which I
    didn't entirely grasp. However the roots are the issue of how the guest
    operating system deals with paging, as well as in memory allocation and
    de-allocation routines.

    No paper is perfect, and while this paper is nicely organized and presents a
    novel application of a virtual machine monitor, the authors fall down on a
    key detail. Why would one be content with testing the performance of Denali
    as a Quake II platform without getting some real user feedback?

  • Next message: Cem Paya 98: "Review: Denali isolation kernel"

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