Scale and Performance in the Denali Isolation Kernel

From: Greg Green (
Date: Sun Feb 29 2004 - 21:52:49 PST

  • Next message: Praveen Rao: "Review of Denali paper"

    Denali is a kernel that provides a virtual machine. The goals were
    performance, scaling, and simplicity. The simplicity criteria is for
    security reasons, ie, the smaller the codebase, the easier it is to
    make and verify correctness. The aim is to support many untrusted
    internet services on a machine. The current www is making more and
    more use of dynamic content, and service providers need to accomodate
    this. The virtual machine was not intended to fully emulate a machine,
    so current operating systems will not run on it.

    There are 4 principles to isolation kernels: expose low-level
    resources rather than high-level abstractions. This is similar to
    exokernel design. Prevent direct sharing by only exposing private
    namespaces. This means that vm's on the same machine can only
    communicate via the network. The architecture must scale. Internet
    applications are driven by zipf distributions. Therefore the kernel
    must minimize the memory footprint of a machine. The fourth principle
    is to modify the virtualized architecture for the 3 design critiria.

    Denali consists of a small kernel running on x86 hardware. It exposes
    a smaller subset of the x86 instruction set. It adds 2 new virtual
    instructions. A idle-with-timeout, and a halt. Each VM get's it own
    physical 32 bit address space. The kernel is mapped into this process
    space but the VM cannot access it. It uses a software-loaded TLB
    instead of mimic'ing the hardware page tables used by x86. The kernel
    exposes several I/O devices, a NIC, disk, keyboard, console, and
    timer. These all have simplified interfaces compared to the real
    devices. This is to support performance and scaling. Interrupts are
    collected and handed to a non-running VM all at once when the VM is
    scheduled to run in it's normal quanta, instead of waking it up for
    each interrupt. Virtual memory is divided into a protected kernel
    space and a VM accessible portion. A MMU is currently in work but was
    not used in the tests discussed in the paper. A fixed swap space is
    assigned to each VM when created. There are virtual filesystems that
    can be given to a VM. VM's can share the filesystems.

    There is a supervisor virtual machine. This is used to start virtual
    machines. Since the kernel itself doesn't have a network stack, the
    supervisor is used if remote data is needed by the kernel. This
    supervisor also maps virtual disks to VM's. A library OS is also
    provided, Ilwaco, to give a higher-level os interface to
    applications. It is linked into each application.

    The second half of the paper is performance measurements. The
    important points here were that the batched asynchronous interrupt
    handling resulted in a large gain, until swap paging dominates (~800
    VM's for a web-server application). The idle-with-timeout call
    provides dramatic improvement, a factor of 2 over performance without
    the feature. Source-code complexity was compared with that of linux.

    I found this idea to be interesting. There was little discussion of
    any problems encountered. We know from the exokernel paper that there
    are significant problems with trying to come up with good abstractions
    with this type of architecture. Also I found the static web server and
    quake server performance measurements weak. I don't think security is
    a major issue with static web servers. This is a problem with dynamic
    content. So we don't know from the paper how these types of
    applications would work. Another problem that wasn't discussed was
    what happens when the non-virtual instructions are used. It seems
    possible that would could cause a security hole. I suppose the kernel
    could scan a binary for these types of instructions before executing

    Greg Green

  • Next message: Praveen Rao: "Review of Denali paper"

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