Saltzer Review

From: Brian Milnes (
Date: Wed Jan 14 2004 - 09:42:52 PST

  • Next message: Greg Green: "Protection and the Control of Information Sharing in Multics"

    Protection and the control of information sharing in MULTICS - Jerome

                The author discusses the protection mechanism in MULTICS circa
    1973. The five principles of protection are: permission rather than
    exclusion, check every time, no security through obscurity, run with least
    privilege and ease of use. They also decentralized authority and allowed
    the user to construct their own protection domains.

     The core way they build this is with access control lists that can protect
    segments, directories and removable media descriptors. The access control
    lists have patterns, which I wish Unix had, and the standard combinations of
    read, write and execute.

    Memory protection is implemented using a descriptor which has a pointer into
    a segment, r/w/e bits, entry point control and something called protected
    system control. Each process gets a private address space. Designated entry
    points are called gates and access is controlled by hardware; which must be
    slow. A rings of protection system is created by using the entry point
    control bits to build a 0-7 layer protection system. The supervisor uses
    these descriptors so it can be built with the same compilers and if it
    accidentally transfers out to a user procedure, it gets the user's

    The paper is difficult to understand, some of this is its age, but much more
    of it is the clarity of the writing. Although the ideas presented are
    fundamental, MULTICs was reputed to be very slow. Some of this might be the
    hardware but much of it was likely their complicated access control lists
    and memory protection.

  • Next message: Greg Green: "Protection and the Control of Information Sharing in Multics"

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