Protection and the Control of Information Sharing in Multics

From: Raz Mathias (
Date: Thu Jan 08 2004 - 17:35:37 PST

  • Next message: Manish Mittal: "Protection and Control of Information Sharing in Multics"

    This paper begins by presenting what are even today the most relevant
    design principles in protection. Having recently read Writing Secure
    Code, by Michael Howard, it is interesting to note how many ideas from
    30 years ago are being reintroduced. Ideas such as design is not a
    secret ("Obscurity is not security" in Howard's book), principle of
    least privilege, and default situation is lack of access are ideas being
    hyped as new and exciting in mainstream server and operating system
    design. In several ways, though, the paper does go in the wrong
    direction (e.g. "password of up to eight ASCII characters", using
    digraphs to create memorable passwords).


    The idea of an "unforgeable character identifier" being assigned to a
    process at creation time needed more explanation. How is this
    identifier protected? Why is it unforgeable?


    The idea of a sorted access control list was also presented. The list
    was sorted because an access check stops at the first match, so more
    general matches (including the "*" character) should be lower on the
    list, otherwise they will catch all control checks. I found it rather
    odd that the access control entries in the lists didn't have actions
    associated with them. For example, user1 has the ability to read file1
    while user2 has the ability to read/write the file. Instead the
    abilities to act on a device or file were stored with the file itself.
    This seemed like a lacking, basic feature in the protection system.


    I also thought that the discussion of "capability" systems was useful.
    The paper clearly enumerated the reasons why ACL's should be placed on
    the underlying resource and not on the name itself. This issue still
    manifests itself today in various security holes in web servers that
    make assumptions based on the URL (the name or path) to a particular
    resource, allowing hackers to circumvent the protection mechanism by
    simply using another name to access the resource.


    The ability to manage who a user gives access to a resource is a
    difficult problem not solved by the Multics paper. This issue, commonly
    known today as "Rights Management," goes beyond the single layer of
    responsibility delegation. It would be nice to send out a document and
    to be able to ensure that the only people who have access to the
    document are in a particular group or division. This open problem is
    mitigated today using various public key encryption mechanisms combined
    with code obfuscation (definitely not an ideal solution, but acceptable
    to many customers).


    The idea of having every activity on the OS be generated by an actively
    authenticated user is a useful one as well. Eventually, everything that
    happens on the machine can be pinpointed to someone's decision.
    Furthermore, the automated logout is another simple idea that has only
    recently been implemented in Windows 2003...30 years after Multics


    In the "Primary Memory Protection" section, the protection information
    associated with the address descriptor would be a useful concept even
    today to protect against such activities as stack buffer overruns. Why
    should code pages on the x86 be writeable?


    Finally, one of the weaknesses listed struck me as particularly true
    even today. That is the "rush to get on the air" (i.e. our pressure to
    ship), the lack of understanding (growing day by day as systems get more
    complex), and the economics of shipping a secure product conflict with
    the goal of designing a solid protection system. The relevant question
    is, are people willing to pay for it upfront (before the next big
    worm/virus destroys that all-important report)?



  • Next message: Manish Mittal: "Protection and Control of Information Sharing in Multics"

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