Jerome H. Saltzer. Protection and the Control of Information Sharing in Multics.

From: Slavik Krassovsky (
Date: Wed Jan 07 2004 - 17:15:30 PST

  • Next message: Praveen Rao: "Review of 'Protection and the Control of Information Sharing in Multics' Paper"

       In this paper dated 1974 the author provides in-depth look into
    design and implementation of the security features of the Multics
    system. Features like access control lists, user's authentication and
    authorization, and memory protection are discussed.

      I found the paper complex and it was hard for me to comprehend all the
    details; however I can see that there are many ideas for it are quite

      Design principals section is excellent, it lays out a solid foundation
    for secure software.

      The idea of <user>.<project>.<compartment> triple in access control
    lists seems to be too much inflexible, yet complex to me - I would favor
    more the simplicity of UNIX or flexibility and richness of Windows 2000.

      I was pleasantly surprised to see the weaknesses section in that paper
    - now I believe all the security papers should have one (see principal 3
    - the design should not be a secret).


  • Next message: Praveen Rao: "Review of 'Protection and the Control of Information Sharing in Multics' Paper"

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