Porcupine review

From: David Coleman (dcoleman_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 16:14:44 PST

  • Next message: Brian Milnes: "Porcupine Review"

    Porcupine strikes me as the most functional system that we’ve read about
    to date (excluding core technologies such as RPC). It is one of the most
    complicated systems we’ve looked at but that seems reasonable given the
    dynamic nature of it.

    One thing that struck me regarding the design of hard versus soft state
    is persistence and frequency of change. Is it true that if data doesn’t
    change very often, it is a better candidate for hard state simply due to
    the reduced number of replications assuming that the data is replicated
    for available, etc.

    An additional factor in fail-over was discussed in Grapevine.
    Overprovisioning didn’t work well in that when a system failed and the
    backup machine took over, it couldn’t handle both its own workload and
    the additional load from the failed machine. A cluster of small machines
    means each machine has a relatively minimal load versus a single or
    several large machines where a dedicated fail-over would be necessary
    due to the capacity of the original machine.

    In today’s virus- and worm-prevalent environments, homogeneity can be a
    problem. A single effective worm would bring the cluster to its knees.
    Even with the strictest safeguards, a virus or worm can still breech the
    network. A heterogeneous environment would help to guard against the
    effectiveness of these attacks.

    I would how it would handle today’s larger message sizes. Just this
    afternoon, we discussed the best method for getting a 570MB file to a
    user at another company and email was discussed as a solution (only
    briefly, but still it came up). I routinely send multi-megabyte files to
    multiple users. I also wonder if the strategy used in one of the systems
    we’ve studied (I can’t remember which) of not physically distributing
    the same message to multiple users but having the users share messages
    would work in Porcupine?

  • Next message: Brian Milnes: "Porcupine Review"

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