Saito et al. "Manageability, Availability and Performance in Porcupine"

From: Cliff Schmidt (
Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 02:55:46 PST

  • Next message: David V. Winkler: "Review: Manageability, Availability and Performance in Porcupine: A Highly Scalable, Cluster-based Mail Service"

    It was very interesting to read the Porcupine paper immediately after
    reading the Fox et al. Cluster-Based Scalable Network Services paper.
    Most of the things I liked about that paper (which appears to have
    preceded this one by two years, and was shepherded by one of the authors
    of this paper--Hank) appear in this one, but the key differences with
    this Porcupine were that every single node really was interchangeable
    (functionally homogenous), self-configurable, self-healing, and also
    had to deal with frequent writes.

    This system is very clear about its focus on one thing: scalability.
    However, it considers scalability in terms of manageability,
    availability, and performance. The authors consider how other
    clustering alternatives might work, but point out that common choices
    such as statically partitioned clusters, typically can only work with
    a substantial overcommitment of capacity (since underutilized
    partitions are incapable of relieving load from overburdened
    partitions) and with a large administration cost to reconfigure the
    system as necessary over its lifetime.

    As with the Fox et. al paper, this paper takes advantage of the soft
    state concept where state that is needed for a node to function can
    be kept only in memory and then derived from other durable state in
    the case of a failure. The reconstruction of lost soft state was
    described to be "completely distributed, but unsynchronized". After
    a membership change, each node inspects the user map and discovers
    if it has fresh user buckets to fill. If so it starts looking for
    data applicable to the user and sends it to the current user manager.

    Here are a few other thoughts about this paper:

    - node addition simply requires a system administrator to install
    the porcupine software on it. Once it boots it will get noticed
    by the membership protocol and get added. This is an idea that is
    really catching on throughout the industry as grid computing. In
    fact, most of this paper and the Fox et al. paper are example of
    what has been talked about in the industry a lot lately: grid
    computing and Service Oriented Architecture. I actually think a
    lot of industry people who use those buzzwords could learn
    something from this paper.

    - I liked the consideration of both affinity with load balancing.
    Mail box fragments for a single user can be distributed across any
    number of nodes (actually there is a soft limit that should not
    be exceeded unless no other node is available); one of the many
    benefits of this approach is that incoming messages are never
    blocked. However, it takes time gather all those mailbox
    fragments (or actually, the least loaded node of each
    replicated fragment) when a user wants to browse through their
    email, so the node affinity places mail onto nodes with existing
    fragments for the user, because it is less expensive.

    - I didn't really have a good understanding of the ramifications
    of eventual consistency until the paragraph in the "Replication
    properties" section, which gave examples of deleted messages
    briefly reappearing within the first few seconds, and users
    receiving the same messages more than once. This really helped.

    - load balancing decisions are based on whether the disk is full
    and an integer that represents the number of pending remote
    procedure calls, similar to the way the Fox et al. system makes
    load balancing decisions based on the length of the queue.

    - I was a little confused about the description of the "Platform
    and workload" section that refers to front-end nodes and back-end
    nodes. Were these interchangeable?

  • Next message: David V. Winkler: "Review: Manageability, Availability and Performance in Porcupine: A Highly Scalable, Cluster-based Mail Service"

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