Review: Fox et al., Cluster-Based Scalable Network Services

From: Ian King (
Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 17:14:43 PST

  • Next message: Slavik Krassovsky: "Armando Fox, Steven Gribble, Yatin Chawathe, Eric Brewer, and Paul Gauthier. Cluster-based Scalable Network Services"

    The authors describe a set of programs and protocols to provide distributed
    computing for the servicing of information requests via Internet protocols such
    as HTTP. The system's goals include fault-tolerance, scalability and ease of
    administration, and is premised on the use of 'commodity' computers. The paper
    describes two implementations, one being a modem pool system structured upon the
    authors' architecture, the other being the HotBot search engine, which predates
    the authors' work but relies on many of the same principles.

    The system described decomposes the functionality into three tiers, then further
    decomposes the member services within those tiers. One or more of the
    fundamental functional units may exist on a given computer, and certain types of
    functional units are duplicated to achieve scalability and fault-tolerance.
    Another goal for the system was to separate the implementation of services from
    the supporting platform; arguably, this system provides that abstraction for a
    class of services involving access to information.

    A critical element of this design is the concept of "soft state", i.e. state
    that can be lost and dynamically reconstructed. Equally important is the
    commitment to "good, but maybe not perfect" results; consistency may be
    compromised in the interests of availability. Taken together, these concepts
    contribute to the feasibility of the system. The authors carefully delineate
    areas where strict consistency is required - such as the personalization
    database - from those where "good enough" information are sufficient to meet the
    service requirements.

    Ease of administration is addressed in several ways. An interesting compromise
    in this regard is the centralization of load balancing; while empirically
    derived, the authors claim this was not a bottleneck in the described
    implementations, and contributed to simplicity. The ability of a node to
    dynamically garner soft state, and cause no harm to the entire cluster while
    inconsistent, contributes to ease of extension or replacement of failing nodes.

    This distribution of work lives considerably above the level of "distributed
    computing" as represented by a system such as Emerald or a distributed VM
    implementation, and this seems both appropriate and sufficient for the goals of
    the system.

  • Next message: Slavik Krassovsky: "Armando Fox, Steven Gribble, Yatin Chawathe, Eric Brewer, and Paul Gauthier. Cluster-based Scalable Network Services"

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