Cluster-based Scalable Network Services

From: Chuck Reeves (
Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 14:43:37 PST

  • Next message: Cem Paya: "Review: cluster-based scalable network services"

    The paper, "Cluster-based Scalable Network Services" was written by a
    number researchers from the University of California at Berkeley around
    1997. It describes the design and application of a general platform,
    supporting the development of highly available and scalable internet
    applications using commodity hardware for clustering. The authors make
    the case that ACID semantics such as those associated with transaction
    database application are not required to effectively service web
    requests. There design leverages this postion to improve the performance
    and availability of the system, while adopting a simpler architecture.
    As a result, the system will respond with partial or out-of-date
    information in periods of transition or failure.
    The general architecture identifies 3 distinct roles in the system.
    Front Ends (Service) that marshal requests between users and the
    input/output queues for the worker elements in the rest of the system.
    The worker pool (TACC) processes requests and implements the business
    logic of the system. I thought the suggested model for using a pipeline
    architecture for this portion of the application was interesting. The
    third element is the scalable network service infrastructure (SNS). This
    component provides a general framework for scalability, load-balancing,
    fault tolerance, monitoring and logging.

    Two applications of this platform are discussed. The first is Transend,
    a filtering component that transforms images (and potentially other
    large file media into formats) into a lower fidelity in an effort to
    reduce the transmitted file size and occupied network bandwidth. The
    second is a search engine named HotBot. It leverages a set of statically
    partitioned databases to service keyword search requests. I didn't think
    the HotBot implementation leveraged the features of the system very

    In general this system seems to be an application server, providing an
    environment for hosting componentized applications similiar to MTS or

    Chuck Reeves,
    Microsoft | Windows | Directory Services

  • Next message: Cem Paya: "Review: cluster-based scalable network services"

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