Review: Cluster-based Scalable Network Services

From: Sellakumaran Kanagarathnam (
Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 13:45:45 PST

  • Next message: David Coleman: "Review of Cluster-Based Scalable Network Services"

    This paper identifies three basic challenges in a scalable network
    service and presents a layered architecture for cluster based scalable
    network services and a service-programming model. The authors discuss
    two real network services: HotBot and TranSend and provide detailed
    measurements for TranSend.
    The three fundamental challenges in network services are:
    a) Scalability: when the load increases, the service should scale up (by
    adding incremental hardware) to provide the same level of service
    b) Availability: service should be available 24x7
    c) Cost effectiveness: economical to administer and expand
    Clusters of workstations meet the above challenges or requirements. The
    authors point out that for most of the internet services (with the
    exceptions of transactions/billing and others), high availability is
    more important than consistency. They introduce a term called
    BASE-Basically available, soft state and eventual consistency. The
    paper focuses on services that manipulate primarily BASE data. One of
    the key ideas of cluster-based scalable service architecture is to
    divide the system into components. The authors propose the following
    components as part of their SNS:
    a) Front Ends - Interface to SNS for outside world (for e.g. HTTP
    b) Worker Pool - Caches and server specific modules that implement the
    actual service
    c) The customization database - stores user profiles that allow mass
    customization of request processing
    d) The manager - Balances load across workers and spawns additional
    workers on need basis
    e) The graphical Monitor - for system management and health monitoring
    f) The System area network
    The above components are grouped into three layers: SNS, TACC
    (transformation, aggregation, caching, and customization) and Service.
    The SNS layer provided scalability, load balancing, fault tolerance and
    high availability and it comprises the front ends, manager, SAN and
    monitor. TACC is a programming model for internet services.
    The authors then discuss a service implementation by describing
    TranSend, a scalable Web distillation proxy and compare it with HotBot.
    It was a hard paper to read, but the layered reusable architecture
    addressed many of the top issues like, self tuning, load balancing, and
    health monitor. It also introduced a new data semantics-BASE. It was
    interesting to read on the monitor and self tuning. It was not very
    clear how an actual client is load balanced to a Front end and looks
    like it is outside the system. On the fault tolerance front, I am not
    able to understand how requests sent to failed workers are not impacting
    performance or high availability.

  • Next message: David Coleman: "Review of Cluster-Based Scalable Network Services"

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