Review of Cluster-Based Scalable Network Services

From: Joanna Muench (
Date: Tue Feb 24 2004 - 21:54:51 PST

  • Next message: Greg Green: "Cluster-Based Scalable Network Services"

    In Fox et al. (1997) the authors present an architecture for building
    cluster-based scalable network services along with examples of two
    implementations. Their design is centered on three core requirements,
    scalability, availability and cost-effectiveness. Most of the discussion
    is focused on the first two requirements.

    This paper is far too detailed to make a summary worthwhile (without
    merely paraphrasing the abstract). However it contains some interesting
    concepts deserving of note. The first is splitting the networks services
    into two groups, one which must always be fully consistent such as the
    user profile database, and one where stale data is better than late
    data, such as search query results. To handle the first, the authors
    propose using ACID semantics (atomicity, consistency, isolation,
    durability), while the second uses BASE (basically available, soft
    state, eventual consistency) (which should really be called BASSEC). The
    complexity of high-demand services has carried us far from Dijkstra's
    desire to prove correctness.

    Another interesting concept is the implementation of the load balancing
    manager in TranSend. Not only do we get to see a use of lottery
    scheduling, but also a further example where stale data is better than
    none. In this case it is the manager stubs that cache the aggregated and
    averaged load information from the centralized manager. While the
    caching enables the system to continue after failure of the centralized
    manager, it did introduce some peculiar oscillations in queue lengths
    that required tuning of the centralized manager.

    The final point that I find particularly interesting is the ability of
    TranSend to tune itself by spawning new services (distillers in this
    case). This design enables the system to balance intermittent bursts in
    demand. In addition, the architecture includes an overflow pool for
    absorbing more prolonged bursts. The machines in this pool don't need to
    have any worker services running on them, but the manager can spawn
    workers to these machines as needed. Very nice, unless it is your
    desktop machine that is co-opted!

    Overall an excellent paper covering a wide range of issues raised by the
    need for large-scale network services.

  • Next message: Greg Green: "Cluster-Based Scalable Network Services"

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