Review: Dabek et al., Wide Area Cooperative Storage wth CFS

From: Ian King (
Date: Wed Mar 03 2004 - 17:42:36 PST

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    The authors describe a widely-distributed file storage system that distributes
    data at the block level, rather than the file level as in PAST. Goals include
    robustness in a network where server nodes are not centrally administered and
    may join and leave the network often, together with a certain amount of security
    against malicious insertion of data. The system is structured to be read-only
    to clients, and those who insert data into it are "publishers".

    As in the PAST paper, this is really about placement and routing algorithms.
    The paper describes a method of storing file *blocks*, not files; the
    integration of blocks into files is a matter for the client above the layer
    described. Discovery of blocks that have been placed in the system is based on
    the reproducibility of the algorithm that placed them there in the first place;
    this algorithm is cleverly designed to (theoretically) avoid clustering of
    blocks or their replicas among geographically or administratively related
    servers. Using a content hash as the content's ID is quite clever, as it
    creates a stronger correlation between the label and its target than other
    approaches, and provides for a certain amount of implicit verification of

    Load balancing is significantly easier because the mechanism works in uniformly
    sized blocks, rather than non-uniform files. In order to address the
    differences in storage capacity among servers, the mechanism also "blocks"
    server capacity through "virtual servers" that partition a physical server's
    capacity. Caching is similar to PAST, and should therefore be as effective.

    Because the Chord routing/mapping algorithm creates location diversity in its
    mapping mechanism, the replication algorithm (and corresponding replica location
    algorithm) can be naively simple and, therefore, quick. The "circular list"
    structure of a Chord table also facilitates nodes joining and leaving, through
    simplifying how other nodes assume the work of a departing node and how new
    nodes are given a share of the load.

    There were a couple of points where the realities of writing software came
    through; the server selection algorithm used in testing was acknowledged as
    "flawed", and a server could not retrieve from its own cache!

    While the Chord algorithm is quite clever, I just can't get excited about this
    paper, or about PAST; these seem to me to be solutions in search of problems.
    These papers are about routing/mapping algorithms more than about filesystems
    and, while obviously smart people did very smart things to make these work, I
    can't help but wonder why. For instance, I sincerely doubt that a financial
    institution would use this mechanism to ensure it would not lose its data.

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