Review: Wide Area Cooperative Storage with CFS.

From: David V. Winkler (
Date: Wed Mar 03 2004 - 16:50:49 PST

  • Next message: Chuck Reeves: "Wide Area Cooperative Storage with CFS"

    Review: Wide Area Cooperative Storage with CFS.

    The CFS paper seems to expand on section 3.6 of the PAST paper. It balances out load by distributing blocks of a file among different servers.

    This simplifies the free space requirements of PAST, and allows for finer grained caching of PAST. These are attractive.

    The tollerance of malicious nodes seems lest thought out in the CFS system than in PAST.

    The distribution scheme of blockId and nodeId is very similar to PAST.

    I am made really nervous by the inability to permanently add or permanently delete items from CFS.

    I didn't really understand the pre-fetching, making some of the graphs confusing.

    The logarithmic growth graph, Figure 9, makes me believe that this system is real.

  • Next message: Chuck Reeves: "Wide Area Cooperative Storage with CFS"

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