Review of "Wide-area cooperative storage with CFS"

From: Jeff Duzak (
Date: Tue Mar 02 2004 - 22:47:09 PST

  • Next message: Honghai Liu: "Review: CFS"

    This paper describes CFS, a peer-to-peer filesystem. CFS is very
    similar to PAST. The primary differences are (1) the Chord lookup
    scheme is used instead of Pastry, (2) files are not stored intact, but
    rather are broken into blocks and organized in a manner analagous to a
    filesystem, and (3) there is no explicit revocation mechanism, but
    rather files expire after some time period if they are not renewed.
    The Chord lookup scheme is very similar to Pastry with Pastry's
    configuration parameter b set to 1. In Pastry, in order to route a
    request, a node looks in its table of other nodes for a node with more
    significant digits in common with the target id. In Chord, each node
    has a table of other nodes with addresses up to 2^n distant, for each
    value of n. In order to route a request, the Chord node looks for the
    node in its table that is closest to the target id. Both Chord and
    Pastry with b = 1 halve the distance to the target id with each node
    hop. Therefore, both systems arrive at the node closest to the target
    id in log N time, where N is the size of the network.
    CFS is implemented in three layers. The lowest layer is Chord, which is
    in charge of routing. The next layer up is DHash, which is in charge of
    storing and requesting blocks. Finally, the filesystem translates a
    user's request for a file into the appropriate block requests, which it
    passes along to DHash. Once the blocks are returned from DHash, the
    filesystem reconstructs the file.
    The paper describes a method for routine lookups in order to reduce
    network latency. The method depends on the idea that the network
    latency for a call from node A to node C, for example, should correlate
    somewhat with the total latency for calls from node A to node B and from
    node B to node C. I found this a bit hard to buy, but the performance
    testing reported in the paper shows that the idea works.

  • Next message: Honghai Liu: "Review: CFS"

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