A. Rowstron and P. Druschel. Storage management and caching in PAST, a large-scale, persistent peer-to-peer storage utility.

From: Slavik Krassovsky (viatk_at_windows.microsoft.com)
Date: Wed Mar 03 2004 - 17:06:22 PST

  • Next message: Raz Mathias: "Review: PAST"

      This rather recent paper discusses a peer-to-peer system that is
    designed to function as an Internet-wide persistent storage entity. This
    entity is organized as a collection of nodes, each of which hosts files.
    A routing layer called Pastry is discussed briefly.


      A simple and clean interface is provided for insertion, retrieval and
    reclamation of the file. This interface is based on a 160-bit values
    called fileId - It's interesting to note that fileId essentially is a
    capability to the file.


     Overall I liked this paper a lot - although I find that reading
    efficiency should be considered before accurate utilization of the


  • Next message: Raz Mathias: "Review: PAST"

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