Review: Rowstron & Druschel, Storage management and caching in PAST

From: Ian King (
Date: Tue Mar 02 2004 - 23:11:46 PST

  • Next message: Reid Wilkes: "PAST Paper Review"

    The authors describe a protocol for distributed file storage among peer servers.
    The system is premised on common x86-based personal computers with Internet
    connections, and supports reading, writing and replication of whole files.
    There is an approach to load balancing, and caching is supported to improve

    I think it is significant that the majority of this paper is spent discussing
    the algorithm for placing file copies across the network; the authors correctly
    concern themselves with assuring that replication will actually provide for
    redundancy (instead of the scenario where the twelve copies of the file live on
    twelve servers in the same building - which just burned down). Their naming
    scheme for files and nodes is quite clever, as they leverage it to generate this
    distribution while still providing a "quick and dirty" heuristic for quickly
    locating a replica of a file. The protocol also makes use of network metrics to
    find the logically closest copy.

    The authors do not provide a simple interface or search facility; locating a
    file is dependent on knowing its fileID, a rather non-intuitive label; however,
    there is nothing in the protocol that precludes a separate directory service.
    (Needless to say, that service would introduce its own issues with coherency and
    redundancy, but that was handily sidestepped by the authors.)

    One especially noteworthy feature is that a file is not "deleted", it is
    "reclaimed." This obviates the fairly complex requirements of ensuring actual
    deletion of a given file in a loosely connected network of machines that do not
    share the same administrative domain. Despite the loosely coupled nature of the
    network, the protocol provides reasonably good assurance to an originating
    client that its "insertion" has been successful, through the use of receipts.
    Locating a file is clearly its own verification.

    The protocol implements an aspect of load balancing by allowing a target machine
    (to receive a replica) to forward the replica to another if its disk is too
    full; the protocol deals with the situations where a forwarding machine then
    fails, as well as when all machines are too full (after three attempts, the
    operation is considered a failure and the client is so advised). There is a
    certain amount of "soft state" retained, in that connecting nodes provide a
    statement of their usable storage capacity. (While a node may underrepresent
    its storage to preserve some for local use, it is conceivable it may also
    overrepresent, which could corrupt the algorithms used.) Retrieval load
    balancing is through simple caching, implemented by making use of the
    uncommitted portion of a machine's storage and caching any file that "passed
    by"; the system establishes simply tuned parameters to avoid clogging a cache
    with large files, on the empirical data that small files are more commonly
    retrieved. The measurements provided by the authors demonstrate that caching is
    critical to the performance of this system.

    Performance is measured with two dissimilar test corpi, and the data are
    satisfyingly similar for each, demonstrating that the principles implemented
    here are not idiomatic for either type of file collection (although two is a
    fairly small set). The system's read performance is sensitive to disk
    utilization, although it does not degrade significantly until utilization is
    quite high - mostly because of the inability to use disk space for caching.

    While the behavior of occasionally connected systems can be inferred, it would
    have been interesting for the authors to have addressed that situation
    explicitly. Further, mobility of systems (e.g. laptops) could cause conflict
    between the distribution of nodeIDs and the network metrics as heuristics for
    determining appropriate target machines for either write or read operations.

  • Next message: Reid Wilkes: "PAST Paper Review"

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