Review of Log-Structure File System

From: Nathan Dire (
Date: Mon Feb 23 2004 - 15:44:40 PST

  • Next message: Ankur Rawat \(Excell Data Corporation\): "log structured file system review"

    In "The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System", Rosenblum
    and Ousterhout present a new file system structure which organizes the disk as
    a log. This structure is optimized for small file writes, and the prototype
    implementation, Sprite LFS reflects this.

    This proposed file system structure is motivated by the changing
    characteristics of computer hardware. CPU and memory are growing at an
    exponential rate, but disk performance is relatively limited. Thus, caching
    has become more common and performance is increasingly limited by disks. Also,
    the workload in many office environments is dominated by small files, and
    current file systems may spread allocations around the disk, so throughput
    is limited by seeking.

    The goal of a log-structure file system is to coalesce file system changes
    into large sequential writes. To allow large sequential writes, a
    log-structure file system maintains fixed-size contiguous extents on disk
    called segments. This is the most difficult part of implementing a
    log-structure file system. The segments may become fragmented and thus must
    be periodically cleaned by combining them.

    In addition to write performance, a log-structured file system allows for
    easier recovery from crashes. Whereas in traditional Unix FFS, the entire
    disk must be scanned to look for inconsistencies, the last changes to a
    log-structure file system are known.

    In general, I think many of the problems that a log-structured file system is
    meant to address still exist today. For example, as disks have grown, the
    process of running fsck on FFS-stlye file systems after crashes has become
    even worse. And, ever larger disks increase the seek penalty associated with
    non-contiguous allocations. On the other hand, I think media files are
    becoming a much more important consideration for file systems, so read
    performance for large files may be more important than it was at the time of
    this paper.

    I do have to question the authors' assumption that it's OK to lose some work b
    buffering writes. It seems that if FFS were modified to buffer more data, it
    might perform significantly better as well. Overall, I would consider this
    proposal quite compelling as an option for certain scenarios, but I'm not as
    confident that it remains a universally better option in all of today's

  • Next message: Ankur Rawat \(Excell Data Corporation\): "log structured file system review"

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