Review of Dennis and Van Horn

From: David Coleman (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 13:42:22 PST

  • Next message: Slavik Krassovsky: "Jack B. Dennis and Earl C. Van Horn. Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations."

    “Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations” by Jack Dennis
    and Earl Van Horn is a description of a set of meta-instructions for
    constructing a capability-based system along with a supervisor (which
    can consist of both hardware and software) to execute these instructions
    and maintain this system. The paper describes segments, the protection
    system using capabilities, processes, computations, principals, and the
    supervisor. Protected procedures and directories are also discussed.

    Segments are the smallest unit of stored information and can contain
    data or executable instructions. The default protection scheme uses
    permission rather than exclusion and is implemented via capabilities.
    Segment capabilities include access indicators (RWX) and also the
    concept of ownership. A process contains all the state necessary to
    continue to execute a sequence of instructions and is the smallest
    entity that can be scheduled for execution. A computation is a list of
    capabilities (a C-list or “sphere of protection”) and a list of
    processes running in that sphere of protection. A principal is an
    individual or entity to whom charges for resources used could be applied to.

    The supervisor maintains the system and implements meta-instructions
    which support the concepts listed above. The supervisor enforces
    capability protection, allows new spheres of protection to be built,
    allows for parallel programming (via the FORK, QUIT, JOIN, LOCK and
    UNLOCK meta-instructions), and support for protected procedures.

    The computation concept is an interesting one. It really creates a
    task-focused system instead of a user- or process-centric model. There
    is a one-to-one mapping between C-lists and computations. Each different
    C-list is a different computation. However, a computation can consist of
    multiple processes all running within the same C-list. So instead of a
    process acquiring the rights necessary to contribute to a task, a
    process is created in an environment with the rights necessary to
    perform that task and only performance of that task (the computation) is
    the goal of that environment.

    Protected procedures are interesting in that they are both protected
    from external procedures modifying their objects as well as they run in
    a separate sphere of protection which prevents them from modifying the
    callers objects. This allows access to objects from only a given set of
    procedures without granting the rights to even read the objects to the
    calling processes. Thus a caller can ask a database for the results of a
    search without ever having the right to read the database’s data object.
    Additionally, that database procedure cannot modify anything in the
    caller’s environment that the caller didn’t specifically grant access to.

    It seems that there would be some fairly significant performance
    penalties for calling procedures given that the supervisor is involved
    via the CALL meta-instruction. It isn’t clear if this only occurs at a
    logical boundary (such as a module) or if it occurs for every procedure

    Directories allow the naming of objects. Directories contain a list of
    names and associated capabilities. Interestingly, the capabilities in
    directory entries can be for segments, protected entries, I/O
    operations, or other directories. This allows for hierarchical directory
    structures. Directories, through the use of the ACQUIRE
    meta-instruction, allow for sharing of named objects between processes.

    Objects are reference counted so by simply creating a directory entry
    for an object, it can be forced to be retained. When the last reference
    to an object is removed, the object is deleted. Objects can also be
    explicitly deleted by their owners via the DELETE meta-instruction. It
    isn’t clear what would happen in the case of a DELETE on an object with
    a reference count greater than zero.

    This paper presents some very interesting concepts: specifically
    capability lists (spheres of protection), protected procedures, and
    computations. I would be very interested to know the interaction between
    Dennis and Van Horn and the creator(s) of Multics.

  • Next message: Slavik Krassovsky: "Jack B. Dennis and Earl C. Van Horn. Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations."

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