Programming Semantics Paper Review

From: Reid Wilkes (
Date: Sun Jan 11 2004 - 23:15:00 PST

  • Next message: Cliff Schmidt: "Paper 3: Jack B. Dennis and Earl C. Van Horn. Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations."



    The paper on Programming Semantics is the oldest one we've read yet, being
    published in 1966. It's quite amazing to see what the state of the art was
    in computing at this time; I actually found this paper to be the most
    difficult to read and I believe that might be because the terminology and
    basic concepts of computing were so different than they are today; the Unix
    paper for instance was much easier to digest because it is describing
    essentially the same basic concepts which make up a modern OS today. As
    stated in the introduction, the purpose of the paper is to introduce a
    formal language to specify behavior of programs running on a multiprogrammed
    computer system. (It is telling as to the antiquity of these ideas that
    Microsoft Word's spellchecker does not recognize the word
    "multiprogrammed".) The formal language, according to the paper, has a
    sophistication ".midway between an assembly language and an advanced
    algebraic language." If this doesn't get the blood pumping, I don't know
    what will. From what I can tell, the problem being addressed was that at the
    time there was very little knowledge of how to construct systems where
    multiple independent programs could be running on the machine at the same
    time. It seems to me that this concept is so ingrained in the minds of
    modern computer and software engineers that it is a little hard to fully
    appreciate the state affairs when there was a void of such knowledge. The
    paper proposes (although by way of a reference to previous work) the idea of
    "fork", as well as "join" and what is essentially a critical section (the
    "lock"/"unlock" instruction pair). Some other ideas proposed by the paper
    are less familiar to a modern reader - although the term "process" is
    introduced (with maybe a little more ambiguous meaning that it would have
    today) - the term "computation" is also introduced which is something which
    seems to have little parallel in modern OS's I am familiar with. A
    computation is described as being a collection of processes cooperating on
    some job or task. Either there is no formal equivalent to this in today's
    operating systems, or this concept comes closer to, say, a Windows process
    while the process concept described in the paper is really more like a
    Windows thread. Aside from the synchronization and execution control issues,
    the bulk of the paper deals with a sort of security system built around a
    concept called a "C-list" (or "Capability List"). Every computation has a
    "C-List" and essentially it is a list of resources the processes in the
    computation have the right to use, and in some cases in what ways they may
    be used (read/write/execute). In many ways this almost seems like the
    opposite concept of ACL's which are described in the Multics paper. With
    Multics ACL's the protection list is on the resource and the ID of the
    principle is checked against resource's list. With the C-List however, the
    protection list is really carried by the computation and the ID of the
    resource is checked against the computation's list. Overall, my main
    impression from this paper was a sense of surprise at how foreign the entire
    system seemed - unlike any of the other papers I had a great deal of
    difficulty trying to envision the problem space and the solution being

  • Next message: Cliff Schmidt: "Paper 3: Jack B. Dennis and Earl C. Van Horn. Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations."

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