MCS review

From: Nathan Dire (
Date: Sun Jan 11 2004 - 22:50:49 PST

  • Next message: Gang Zhao: "On behalf of David Winkler -- Review: Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations"

    In "Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations", Dennis and Van
    Horn outline the properties of multiprogrammed computer systems and present a
    basic schema for studying them. At the time of the paper, I believe systems
    were transitioning from batch processing to multiprogramming, so basic ideas
    of multiprogrammed computation were just evolving.

    The authors begin by defining five properties of multiprogrammed computer
    systems. Next, the authors describe the basic abstract structures which
    define their multiprogrammed system, such as segments and processes. The
    paper then outlines the basic primitive operations that the authors have
    defined to provide a basis for multiprogrammed computation.

    There is much that is familiar in the authors' presentation of an MCS. All
    five properties they outline remain relevent to current systems. The basic
    abstract structures of segments, processes, and principals seem to have
    remained intact. Many of the meta-instructions also remain quite familiar:
    fork, quit, join, private, lock, and unlock.

    The interesting idea in the paper is that of a C-list and the way in which it
    is pervasive throughout the system. To reference an object in the system, it
    must be explicitly listed as a capability. This extends from processes to
    memory segments to procedures. The authors also provide an interface for
    managing C-lists which allows detailed control of the rights of processes
    within a computation.

    The use of capabilities for protection and sharing seems quite compelling.
    With respect to the historical context, it is surprising to note the early
    existence of such a complete system for security. It seems that subsequent
    systems were developed with much weaker systems for protection and sharing.
    Perhaps the implementation of such a system resulted in too much complexity
    and performance cost for the projects of the time.

    One criticism of the paper might be the degree of abstraction. There doesn't
    seem to be much consideration given to the usefulness of the meta-instruction
    interface, and it seems that only passing references are made to real-world

  • Next message: Gang Zhao: "On behalf of David Winkler -- Review: Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations"

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