Review: Jack B. Dennis and Earl C. Van Horn. Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations.

From: Richard Jackson (
Date: Sun Jan 11 2004 - 22:03:17 PST

  • Next message: Joanna Muench: "Review of Dennis and Van Horn (1966)"

    Dennis and Van Horn wrote this 1965 paper to describe the general
    programming methods for a multiprogrammed computer system, or MCS. They
    defined a MCS as a system that is concurrently running multiple
    computations that are being controlled by one or more operators/users.
    Although the paper is almost 40 years old, I found it interesting that
    the introduction mentioned the American Airlines SABRE system as an
    example of a MCS. SABRE is still widely used today, though one must
    assume that much of the underlying system has been refined over the
    years. Still, if the name has gone unchanged, what else is still circa
    As an overview of the domain, the following five features of a MCS were
    presented: 1) multiple processes are running via multiple users, 2) many
    resources are shared, 3) computations will have widely differing
    resource requirements(especially over time), 4) reference to
    common/shared information happens often, 5) a MCS must have flexibility
    for constant improvements and changing requirements. Of these, #3
    presented a problem. The authors noted that only average load need be
    considered when allocating system resources. They mention peak load,
    but claim that the system does not need to be tailored to this load.
    What will happen to the system if the peak load exceeds the available
    resources? Are they safe in ignoring this case? Also, #5 seems
    obvious, and I am not sure that they needed to mention it in this paper.
    A major concept that is used throughout the paper is that of a "sphere
    of protection." This term isn't specifically defined in the paper, but
    I understood it as the permission and/or abilities of some process(or
    computation). A related concept is "list of capabilities" or "C-list".
    This is a conceptual(and perhaps real) data structure that is used by
    various objects within the MCS to indicate the actions that are allowed
    with respect to that object. This concept was especially important in
    the discussion of directory hierarchies and naming, which was discussed
    later in the paper.
    Many meta-instructions(programming primitives) were introduced
    throughout the paper. Some are familiar, like: fork(create a new
    process), quit(end a process), create(create directories or
    segments(files)), lock/unlock(method for serializing critical sections
    of code), etc. Others were less familiar: acquire(add a capability to a
    C-List), receive(preparation step for sharing retained objects(i.e.:
    persistent segments/files)), etc. The paper describes each of these in
    detail, and does serve as a very good reference for these concepts.
    The authors discussed object naming in much detail. They presented the
    discussion in an evolutionary format, first explaining the various
    problems that existed, and offering solutions. By this method, they
    built up to their final proposal, that of a directory-based hierarchical
    object scheme. While it seemed unusual during their initial
    descriptions(before they determined that a hierarchy was needed), their
    end result seems similar to some modern systems. In this section, they
    asserted that object names can never change, due to the various
    references that may exist. While they presented an interesting argument
    here, this restriction seems quite limiting.
    There was also a less-detailed discussion of a few other topics:
    1-Supervisor module - this is the controlling hardware/software for a
    MCS. The main functions are scheduling of processes and accounting of
    computation time.
    2-Inferior spheres of protection - They presented this using a debugging
    example, such that a process may want to launch an inferior
    computation(a child process) with less access rights, such that the
    inferior process can be debugged. They also gave a long list of
    exception conditions that could occur.
    3- Protected entry points - a method of arbitrarily restricting use of a
    procedure, used to prevent a process from accidentally misusing another
    The major strengths of this paper are:
    1) Extensive documentation about naming conventions, definitions of
    terms, and conceptual organization of a MCS
    2) Listing of various meta-instructions/primitives that are important in
    a MCS
    3) Good discussion of naming considerations, possible problems, and
    4) Interesting insight about the motivation for parallelism: "to relax
    constraints on the order in which parts of a computation are carried
    The weaknesses of this paper are:
    1) Perhaps too much elaboration on various terminology, such as
    2) Meta-instruction naming is confusing in some cases, such as: delete
    vs. release vs. remove. However, the authors do explain the differences
    for more clarity.
    Overall, I found this paper to be a good conceptual overview of the
    programming semantics and concepts for a MCS, which is exactly what the
    authors intended. Though they cited references to three real systems,
    most of the paper seemed to be based on theory rather than an actual

  • Next message: Joanna Muench: "Review of Dennis and Van Horn (1966)"

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