Review: Howard et al., Scale and Performance in a Distributed File System

From: Ian King (
Date: Mon Feb 23 2004 - 17:47:23 PST

  • Next message: Gail Rahn: "(no subject)"

    The authors describe the fundamental design of the Andrew file system, to the
    end of discussing changes implemented from the original prototype to address
    scaling and performance challenges. Both the prototype and its successor were
    deployed in a user environment, and metrics are offered both on synthetic
    milestones and observed usage.

    Andrew was a significant departure from many other distributed file systems in
    its caching of entire files on client systems; while this led to certain
    limitations cited by the authors, it was by and large effective for the usage of
    the system. In their prototype, performance was very sensitive to usage
    patterns, which suggested that scaling would be poor; I was not surprised when
    they acknowledged that the model of confirming every cached entry on access was
    the primary culprit in their performance problems.

    This paper was interesting because they made some significant implementation
    changes, within the original design, and addressed the performance issues and,
    through extension, the scalability problems arising therefrom. As in other
    papers on filesystem design, the metadata around a filesystem (in the case of
    Andrew, its "cache freshness" assurance) was the limiting factor, not the act of
    transferring the actual data. The final algorithm is not unlike certain NUMA
    invalidation protocols, except for the assurance in Andrew that someone,
    somewhere has a persistent copy. The volume concept allowed for considerable
    optimization, and the mechanisms built on that for "cloning" and migration
    considerably eased the administration of the overall system. Adding the idea of
    'read only' volumes optimized this even further, as OS images and such are
    rarely written, and hopefully not by end users (!).

    Another interesting aspect was the consistency protocol that the authors felt
    was acceptable; it was possible that a persistent copy might actually be out of
    date. At the base of this, the researchers had made the decision that this was
    acceptable, and that strict synchronization was the duty of the application
    layer, not the OS layer.

    The authors compared the performance of Andrew with Sun-NFS. This was a
    reasonable comparison, but interesting in that I believe the two file systems
    had different goals (the authors touched on this tangentially): NFS was intended
    primarily to create a 1-1 mapping from a client to a server's file system, while
    Andrew was intended to transparently expose a distributed file system that was
    resident across many "servers" (actually, local stores). Interestingly, while
    Andrew's consistency story was more deterministic than that of NFS, that feature
    did not seem to be a performance liability.

    Approximately ten years after this paper was written, I became acquainted with
    some researchers from CMU who were just then promoting a replacement for Andrew.
    It is encouraging that this experiment was actually in regular use by a large
    community over that length of time.

  • Next message: Gail Rahn: "(no subject)"

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