Andrew Distributed File system

From: Ankur Rawat \(Excell Data Corporation\) (
Date: Mon Feb 23 2004 - 16:31:22 PST

  • Next message: Raz Mathias: "Review: Scale and Performance in a Distributed File System"

    Andrew is a distributed file system at CMU. I think the file system was
    designed to provide better performance to users of the network and make
    the network more scalable.

    The system on the face of it looks very simple. It had been implemented
    mostly in user space and had some optimizations at the kernel level.

    The system leverages then existing technologies. Standing in today's
    perspective I was not every sure about the intention of the undertaking
    of this project. But probably in late 80s disk performance was a huge
    bottle neck and justified such a project.


    The system operates as a typical client server model. Many server nodes
    act as file servers. The system claims to provide BSD file system
    semantics with some exceptions, but does not specify which.

    The implementation of the final system occurred in 2 cycles. The first
    cycle did not meet the performance objectives of the project. The
    lessons learnt in the first cycle were used to make some design changes
    in the second cycle.


    I liked the mechanism of call back to solve the cache validation
    problem. But, I did not quite understand how coherency across the client
    nodes was managed. I was liked the huge amount of analysis data
    presented and used in justifying the design choices made. It was
    interesting to note that in spite of moving a lot of work to the clients
    the server utilization was high sometimes and a bottleneck.

    The second cycle of the project represented sort of the evolution of the
    client sever model and the distributed computing model in general.

  • Next message: Raz Mathias: "Review: Scale and Performance in a Distributed File System"

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